La Voz Coffee Cooperative San Juan La Laguna
La Voz Que Clama en el Desierto, commonly referred to as "La Voz," was founded in the 1970s as a small cooperative of local coffee farmers from indigenous backgrounds. Located on the scenic slopes surrounding Lake Atitlán, it originally began as a means to consolidate resources, ensure fairer trade practices, and improve the livelihoods of local coffee growers.
Atitlán Single-Origin Micro-Lot Green Coffee Beans
High in the volcanic mountains near Lake Atitlán, you’ll find some of the finest coffee-growing conditions in the world. The region’s rich volcanic soil, high altitude, and distinct micro climates make it ideal for growing Arabica Bourbon coffee beans. Each micro-lot is produced by small farms where quality and sustainability are at the forefront.
Guatemala Coffee Experience From Tree to Cup
Guatemala Coffee Experience From Tree to Cup, I had the awesome experience visiting a Lake Atitlan Guatemala Coffee Cooperative that is located in the Highlands of Guatemala. After Colombia, Guatemala ranks second in the world in high-grade coffee, and highest percentage classified as “high quality”.