About Guatemala Tours And Travel Services

We started Guatemala Tours with the belief that other travelers share our desire to experience authentic adventures by immersing ourselves in the life of a region, exploring hidden corners, and partaking and appreciating the local culture.  Lake Atitlan Tours is, at its heart, a way of connecting more authentically with the world.

We promise to share our Lake Atitlan knowledge and expertise with you and ensure you will return home with stories you will tell for years to come.

Lake Atitlan Tours
My Lake Atitlan Hiking Experience Pana

Why Book With Us?

We are based right here in Guatemala.  It’s our ‘backyard’.  We travel, explore and enjoy the same places and things we recommend to our guests.

We promise an ‘uncompromising determination to deliver the best experience.  Our Lake Atitlan Tours include village boat tours, hiking Volcanos that will touch your soul while invigorating and recharging your inner being.

Antigua Walking Tours, Visiting The Chichicastenango Market in Guatemala and the Mayan Ruins of Tikal.

Guatemala Tours And Travel Services Lake Atitlan.

Nature, culture and history, Lake Atitlan Guatemala has it all.  Travel to “The Land of Eternal Spring” and you’ll uncover a region of the world that offers a plethora of diversity not just culturally, but geographically too.

There are some places on earth that are so breathtaking, so picturesque, that they demand your attention and Lake Atitlan is one of those places.  From majestic volcanoes and mountains and mysterious ancient Mayan temples and ruins, to colorful outdoor markets, Lake Atitlan’s unique physical attributes offer some of the most-awe-inspiring sites in the world.

My Lake Atitlan Hiking Experience Pana

Guatemala Travel Touring with the locals Superb

About Guatemala

Guatemala has diversity unmatched by few regions in the world.  The natural, historic, and cultural heritage can been seen throughout Guatemala.  It is a region of the world that offers the perfect combination of natural beauties, stunning mountain landscapes, spectacular ancient Mayan temples and ruins, outdoor markets, rainforests, and rich and distinctive traditions of a living Mayan culture.  It’s a country that offers so much to those willing to step off the beaten track for a little while.

Lake Atitlán located in Guatemala’s highlands is home to what the writer Aldous Huxley describes as “the most beautiful lake in the world. With the stunning green color of the surrounding mountains and volcanoes to the bright vibrant colors of the flowers growing from the sides of the surrounding cliffs, to the dozen traditional villages dotting the shores that have retain their Mayan character, the beauty of Lake Atitlan Guatemala will surely take your breath away.

For visitors to this unique and incredibly diverse land, taking a tour into the living culture of this fascinating ancient society is a way to see and experience the many facets of modern Mayan life.