On September 18th, 2020 the Guatemala Borders reopened after closing in March of 2020 due to the COVID Pandemic. At this time COVID 19 is well managed in Guatemala. Guests coming to Guatemala are required to wear masks, social distance, and follow sanitation guidelines.

This also has affected Lake Atitlan Boat Schedules. Only ten persons are allowed on a boat at one time, more or less regular boat services are operating around Lake Atitlan.

Lake Atitlan Boat Service Schedules San Lucas Toliman. For travelers coming to Lake Atitlan, this is a new boat service that has been needed. These are the public boat service schedules of San Lucas Tolimán to Panajachel and Back.

Lake Atitlan Boat Service Schedules San Lucas Toliman

Lake Atitlan Boat Service Schedules San Lucas Toliman

Lake Atitlan Boat Service Schedules San Lucas Toliman

They are very punctual and respectful; why expose themselves to bad roads or crime, if traveling by boat is a very relaxing experience. We do not know the prices for this boat service at this time, we will keep you posted as we learn more about this.

This information had been provided by https://www.facebook.com/NoticiasSolola/.

For information about this boat service San Lucas Tolimán to Panajachel you can contact Marco Sulugui. 502-5596-2671 or 502-5718-7916.

Lake Atitlan Boat Service Schedules San Lucas Toliman

Felipe Sulugui Diaz provides Lake Atitlan Boat Service between San Lucas Tolimán, San Antonio Palopó and Panajachel. There is no set schedule for this boat service. We have used Felipe a number of times from San Lucas Tolimán and San Antonio Palopó. The cost is Q30 one way for the trip.
You can email Felipe at serviciodelanchasulugui@gmail.com.
502-5176-8608 or 502-5420-6160.

Lake Atitlan Boat Service Schedules San Lucas Toliman

San Lucas Tolimán is a municipality in the Sololá department of Guatemala. The town of 17,000 people sits on the southeastern shore of Lago de Atitlán, described by Aldous Huxley as one of the most beautiful lakes in the world. The population is 90–95%, Highland Maya. There is a population of about the same size living in the surrounding villages.

San Antonio Palopó The village is on the eastern shore of Lake Atitlán. The lowest elevation is 1,562 meters (5,125 ft) at the shoreline. The people of the region are Cakchiquel Maya with a distinctive style of clothing. The patron saint of the village is St. Anthony of Padua. The annual festival takes place on 13 June.

Panajachel is a town in the southwestern Guatemalan Highlands, less than 90 miles from Guatemala City, in the department of Sololá. It serves as the administrative center for the surrounding municipality of the same name. The town of Panajachel is located on the Northeast shore of Lake Atitlán and has become a Centro for the tourist trade of the area as it provides a base for visitors crossing the lake to visit other towns and villages.