Lake Atitlan Boat Schedule Prices Updated. Recently we published a blog, “Lake Atitlan Boat Schedule Price and Times” post discussing early boat services from San Pedro to Panajachel. The article was viewed hundreds of times over the last few weeks with many comments and debates about the boat captains, prices, times, and the hustlers on the streets of Panajachel.

The Main Villages Around Lake Atitlan Guatemala

Lake Atitlan Boat Schedule Prices Updated

Lake Atitlan Boat Schedule Prices Updated

Lake Atitlan Boat Schedule Prices Updated

Let’s start with catching a boat from Panajachel to Santa Cruz/Jaibalito/San Marcos/San Pablo/San Juan/San Pedro. As the map below indicates by the little ferry Icon, there are 2 ferry docks in Panajachel. For the villages listed above you want to use the dock by Hotel y Centro de Convenciones.

Which is on Calle Del Embarcedero.

Avoiding the street hustlers on Calle Santander and Rancho Grande you will be greeted by street hustlers down both of these streets close to the lake.

Lake Atitlan Boat Schedule Prices Updated

Lake Atitlan Boat Schedule Times Prices Updated

Lake Atitlan Boat Schedule Prices Updated  Per Village from Pana

Pana to/from Santa Cruz/Jaibalito – Q10
Pana to/from San Marcos/San Pablo/San Juan/San Pedro – Q25
Pana to/from Santiago Atitlan – Q25
San Marcos to/from Santa Cruz – Q10
San Pedro to/from Santa Cruz – Q20
San Pedro to/from San Marcos – Q10

Lake Atitlan Boat Schedule Prices Updated Santiago to Pana

Again you will find on Rancho Grande and Calle Santander street hustlers offering to help you find a boat to Santiago. Avoid them and go to the end of Rancho Grande and walk right onto the dock.

Prices for Boat Services for Santiago From Panajachel:

Panajachel/from Santiago – Q25
Santiago/from Panajachel – Q25

Prices for Boat Services for Santiago From San Pedro:

Lake Atitlan Boat Schedule Prices Updated

Lake Atitlan Boat Schedule Times Prices Updated San Pedro

For those still confused about how the boat service works another map to explain. In San Pedro similar to Panajachel there are 2 docks. Each offers different end destinations. The Panajachel to San Pedro boats lands at the dock in San Pedro with the hill one must climb, the best way to describe it is with the new floating docks.

The Santiago dock is on the other side of San Pedro in a flooded area. The boats are larger and go about every 2 hours to Santiago and visa versa. Again if you are going to Santiago these boat captains will try and charge for nonlocals as high as Q30. Q20 is the price.

Please note there are no boat services from Santiago to San Lucas Toliman or from Santiago to any other villages around the lake only Santiago to Pana or San Pedro.

San Pedro/from Santiago – Q20
Santiago/from San Pedro – Q20

Boat Services for San Lucas Toliman to San Antonio Palopo:

Lake Atitlan Boat Schedule Prices Updated

San Lucas Toliman Dock

To get from Santiago to San Lucas Toliman the only means is Tuk Tuk, Pickup or Chicken Bus. Price is about Q20 and upwards depending on if you are on a Chicken Bus or a Tuk Tuk.

There are no regular set times for boat services from San Lucas Toliman to San Antonio Palopo and back. We know the prices are Q10 per person each way.

Lake Atitlan Boat Schedule Prices Updated

Prices for Boat Services for Panajachel to Santa Catarina Palopo and San Antonio Palopo

There are no public boat services from Panajachel to Santa Catarina Palopo and San Antonio Palopo.

The boat arrives in San Antonio Palopo right in front of the Hotel Terrazas del Lagoas. In order to avoid some of the issues discussed on other blog posts about Lake Atitlan Boat Schedule Price Times Updated take some of our advise, avoid the street hustlers and go directly to the docks. Deal direct with the boat captains. If you are seeking private boat services contact us.

For the Original Article for Boat Schedule Prices and Times.

Lake Atitlan Boat Schedule | Price and Times

The price quotes are publicly posted prices on docks and some boats around the lake.

We decided to kind of clear the air and offer some facts and education about using boats to get around Lake Atitlan and what to avoid. 

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