Lake Atitlan Guatemala Herbal Medicine, Medicine Men, known to the ancient Maya as ah-men, held the special ability to alter consciousness to determine causes for events not understood, such as reasons for illness or misfortune.
Herbal Medicine, Medicine Men of Guatemala
Since it was perceived by the Maya that sickness was a punishment for a mistake or transgression, it was important that the healer inquire about details of the past of the sick person.
This was done in a methodological fashion, first inquiring about ascriptive attributes, followed by specific events of the person’s life, and lastly about circumstantial or acquired attributes.
This aspect of the Lake Atitlan Guatemala Herbal Medicine man’s job would be similar to a modern-day therapy session. In addition to ritualistic and spiritual elements, the medicine man had extensive knowledge of medicinal plants and how they should be used.
After studying the symptoms of a sickness, a Guatemalan herbal medicine man may prescribe a remedy to his patient.
The number of times or days that the remedy should be ingested or applied depended on an individual’s gender; typically the number thirteen was associated with men, and the number nine with women.
Lake Atitlan Guatemala Herbal Medicine men of ancient Maya society provided many services to their communities and were held in high regard. Known for their extensive knowledge and spirituality, medicine men were called upon for many reasons, but most often for their healing capabilities.
These Maya doctors often employed specialists for specific healing techniques such as bone-setting and childbirth, similar to the method of modern doctors.
In addition to his duties as a doctor and sorcerer, a medicine man not only cured diseases but also sporadically accepted compensation to cause them. The ah-man was also called ah-pul-yaah, the “disease thrower”
Grow Your Own Cure
Grow Your Own Cure is a company located in the highlands of Lake Atitlan Guatemala that is committed to educating and helping move from a world of chemical cures to a place where people are healed through the use of natural medicine found in the leaves, bark, roots, stems, and flowers of herbs.
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