Guatemala Textiles  School Features

Guatemala Textiles School is featured at the Tz’utujil weavers of San Juan La Laguna are well known for making their own pure organic cotton thread and the use of natural dyes.  By using traditional techniques, styles, and designs, the women of San Juan La Laguna work to preserve weaving traditions for future generations.

Guatemala Textiles School explores the weaving traditions found in San Juan La Laguna located along the shoreline of Lake Atitlan Guatemala.

As a participant you will gain a deeper understanding of the cultural significance of one of the oldest forms of artistic expression by working and learning directly from the Tz’utujil women of San Juan.

The Guatemala Textiles School you will learn how they grow their own cotton, harvest it by hand, spin it using ancient techniques, and then use natural dyes and colorants derived from locally found plants, tree, bark, berries, leaves, roots, wood, and insects in the Lake Atitlan area.

A few of the plants that are used are coconut shell, pericón, pepper, purple basil, hibiscus flowers, and achiote, among many others.

The San Juan La Laguna Guatemala Textiles School is a rare opportunity to learn from a community of Indigenous Tz’utujil women who are living on and managing their traditional lands.  The strength, love and dignity of the Tz’utujil people will deeply touch you as they guide you in learning this ancient craft.

The teaching is conducted as it has been for generations in the traditional Tz’utujil community of San Juan.  So roll up your sleeves and get ready for this one-of-a-kind, hands-on experience, under the guidance of master weavers as you learn how to make and spin the thread, dye it, and then weave the thread using traditional, handmade looms.

Our Guatemala Textiles Workshop School takes place in our instructor’s home.  This is a wonderful opportunity to not only learn to weave, but also to spend time with a Tz’utujil Maya family, experiencing indigenous life in a small village.