• San Juan La Laguna Arte Maya Xocomeel

    San Juan La Laguna Artists paintings are unique, using vibrant colors and depicting important elements of the indigenous culture steeped in a rich tradition and various aspects of San Juan life and legend.

The following painting was created by Antonio Vásquez Yojcóm.  The painting measures 32 x 25 inches unstretched and depicts a traditional Mayan market scene.

San Juan La Laguna Arte Maya Xocomeel

San Juan La Laguna Art By Maya Xocomeel

Lake Atitlan Tours

San Juan La Laguna Arte Maya Xocomeel is tucked on the southern shoreline of Lake Atitlan is the indigenous village of San Juan La Laguna.  Of the ten thousand residents in San Juan 95 percent of the population is comprised of Tz’utujil, one of the 21 Maya ethnic groups that live in Guatemala.  The Tz’utujil are noted for their continuing adherence to traditional cultural and religious practices.

Arte Mayan Oil Paintings

Scenes like this unfold daily throughout Guatemala in the markets of Chichicastenango, Santiago Atitlan, and Antigua.

San Juan La Laguna Artists | Arte Maya Xocomeel Artist Featured Work

About San Juan La Laguna

Tucked on the southern shoreline of Lake Atitlan is the indigenous village of San Juan La Laguna.  Of the ten thousand residents in San Juan 95 percent of the population is comprised of Tz’utujil, one of the 21 Maya ethnic groups that live in Guatemala.

The Tz’utujil are noted for their continuing adherence to traditional cultural and religious practices.

San Juan La Laguna Arte Maya Xocomeel

While each village around the lake has its uniqueness such as the ceramics and potters from San Antonio Palopo and the meditation and yoga gurus in San Marcos, so too does San Juan have its uniqueness.

The village of San Juan La Laguna is known for its agriculture, medicinal herbal gardens, textile and weaving work with natural dyes, and their incredible paintings and murals.

And while tourism isn’t as developed here as other villages around the lake, the past five years have seen it transform into a vibrant center of art.

Always looking for a way to promote the local artists of the Lake Atitlan region this page highlights the incredible artisians of San Juan La Laguna.

San Juan La Laguna Art

Arte Maya Xocomeel, Antonio Vásquez Yojcom

Email: pintoryoj@yahoo.es  San Juan La Laguna, Sololá

(502) 5516-3422 / 4264-3526

Antonio Vásquez Yojcóm San Juan La Laguna Art Arte Maya Xocomeel

San Juan La Laguna Arte Maya Xocomeel, Antonio Vásquez Yojcóm is a talented painter who was born and raised in San Juan La Laguna, Lake Atitlan.  After having studied with the famous artist Pedro Rafael Gonzalez Chavajay, Antonio began working on his own and eventually opened a home studio and gallery that is located a short walk from the San Juan boat docks.

His paintings are unique, using vibrant colors and depicting important elements of the indigenous culture steeped in a rich tradition and various aspects of San Juan life and legend.  His paintings are sold in his home studio as well as in Santiago and Panajachel.

All paintings are the original work of local artists.  They are signed and can be purchased and shipped throughout the world.  We invite you to browse through our online gallery and support the local artisians of San Juan La Laguna, Lake Atitlan.

San Juan La Laguna Art | Arte Maya Xocomeel

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