Send packages from Guatemala

Send packages from Guatemala

Every shipment you make using our services helps support the Artisans of Guatemala. After the closure of the Guatemala Postal Service Artisans were left with no means to sell products worldwide.

Send packages from Guatemala

You may export up to $800 per day, per address to the United States, Canada duty-free.

Items that need permits include Coffee, Green, Roasted Beans, Chocolate, and other handmade foods.

Products consumed by humans require an FDA Prior Notice for the US and Canada.

We provide this service at no additional charge.

DHL Rates are determined by the Zones of the World that the shipment will be delivered to from Guatemala. We provide services for over 230 countries.

Prices on this page are for US and Canada shipments. For International rates please contact us by email.

PLEASE TAKE NOTE: Send packages from Guatemala



Rates based on the Package Size, Weight and Zone

Prices and fees will vary slightly based on the Exchange Rate between Guatemala and the US.

The size of the box and the weight of the items inside the box.

As a customer there are no Customs and Duty fees such as brokers and agents.

DHL and our system produces all commercial documents required.

We provide the Boxes for Free.

Send packages from Guatemala

We require, the name, full address, email and phone number of the person you are shipping to.

You must also provide an accurate inventory of all items shipped.

If you are shipping to a Wholesaler in the US we requires by Law that business EIN number. (Employee Identification Number).

Express Envelope – 27 x 27 x 10cm Recommended maximum weight 500g.

We import and export documents of all kinds, Tax returns, bank cards, purchase and sale agreements.

Imported documents are delivered to you home address in Guatemala where covered by Cargo Express Services.

United States and Canada Shipping Costs

US and Canada your cost is USD 39.70

Express Envelope Europe Shipping Costs

Europe your cost is USD 41.78

Express Envelope Asia Shipping Costs

Asia your cost is USD 43.37

Large Express Flyer – 35 x 27.5 x 7cm Recommended maximum weight 3kg.

We import and export documents of all kinds, Tax returns, bank cards, purchase and sale agreements.

Imported documents are delivered to you home address in Guatemala where covered by Cargo Express Services.

The Flyer allows for up to 3kg for legal documents, Coffee samples, Jewelry and other smaller products.

United States and Canada Shipping Costs

Large Express Flyer Europe Shipping Costs

Large Express Flyer Asia Shipping Costs

Box # 2:  28 x 17.5 x 15 cm Recommended maximum weight 5kg.

Shipping Coffee, Textiles, Jewelry, Chocolate, Products of all kinds. This size is ideal for smaller shipments to any country.

United States and Canada Shipping Costs

Box number # 2 Europe Shipping Costs

Box number # 2 Asia Shipping Costs

Box Size: # 3 31 x 31 x 31.5 cm Recommended maximum weight 10kg.

Textiles, Coffee and Cacao, we export $800 per day, per address to the United States, Canada Duty Free on most goods.

Cacao, Coffee, Green, Roasted Beans require an FDA Prior Notice for the US and Canada. We provide this service at no additional charge.

The prices on the right are for 3-5-7-9-10-12 Kilo shipments to the US or Canada. Please add 5% for International Shipments.

United States and Canada Shipping Costs

Box number # 3 Europe Shipping Costs

Box number # 3 Asia Shipping Costs

Box Size: # 4 41.7 X 35 X 39.6 cm Recommended maximum weight 15kg.

Prices and fees will vary slightly based on the Exchange Rate between Guatemala and the US.

The size of the box and the weight of the items inside the box.

The prices below are for 5-7-10-12-15 Kilo shipments to the US or Canada, Europe and Asia

United States and Canada Shipping Costs

Box number # 4 Europe Shipping Costs

Box number # 4 Asia Shipping Costs

Ship Art the proper packing of fragile and high-value items, including artwork. We carry boxes in a variety of sizes and all the necessary supplies We make custom boxes for those odd-sized items.

Send us an email about prices.

Shipping artwork depends on the size of the piece in order to provide a quote please send us an email for a quote.

All shipments have the option for full value insurance. Art in particular a shipper should consider insurance as an option.

We export Green and Roasted Coffee Beans from premium hand Crafted Artisan Coffee Producers.

We provide FDA Prior notice, and other notification required for US Government agencies.

Also remember that  green coffee shipments will need Phytosanitary Permit. We can request that permit in MAGA the cost is $ 25.00.

For a Quote or more Information

0 + 4 = ?

Importing to Guatemala

On-line Orders or from any address in Canada and the US.

Create your order on-line using our address

Always choose free shipping to our facility.

Ethical Fashion Guatemala
1120 3rd St.
Windsor, CO 80550
Your Shipment Arrives at our Facility

We produce the commercial shipping documents for shipping and importing to Guatemala using our DHL Platform. DHL picks up your shipment.