Exporting Guatemala Green Coffee Beans 2021. Guatemala Green and Roasted Coffee Beans for decades have been a process of Coffee Shops and Roasters in the United States obtaining coffee through Coffee Brokers, Fair Trade Orgs, Agents and Middlemen sold under contracts or spot pricing.
Exporting to Coffee Shops and Roasters using Ethical Fashion Guatemala, eliminates Middlemen.
In 2018, Starbucks and Nescafe under contract with Guatemalan growers paid on average $1.50 per pound for Premium Green Beans.
For small to medium-sized US Coffee Shops and Roasters consuming 3,000-5,000 pounds per year of Green Beans and Roasted, the points below are limiting factors in accessing Guatemalan Coffee.
The problem with this business model is:
- The growers earn less than the cost of production. Most do not make a profit.
- Coffee Brokers, Fair Trade Orgs, Agents, and Middlemen are taking profits.
- Buyers under contracts have large capital investments.
- Buyers wait 6 to 8 weeks for coffee deliveries.
- Buyers need to store quantities of coffee beans at their facilities.
- Buyers never have access to Premium Coffees.
- The buyer has limited access to the growers.
Exporting Guatemala Roasted and Green Coffee Beans changed in 2019
Ethical Fashion Guatemala is not a Coffee Broker, Fair Trade Org, Agent, 501, NGO, or Middlemen. We are a licensed Importer and Export of Artisan products including Coffee from small to large Coffee Growers in the region of Lake Atitlan Guatemala.
Our Business model for small to medium-sized US Coffee Shops and Roasters
- Direct access and contact with the grower producing the coffee you will purchase.
- Shade-grown Arabica varieties: Bourbon, Caturra, Catuai, Typica, Maragogype, Pache & Pacamara.
- Grade 1: Specialty Grade Coffee Beans. Grade 2: Premium Grade Coffee Beans: Same as Grade 1 except a maximum of 3 quakers. 0-8 full defects.
- Coffees are full-washed, and patio-dried, and growers process a certain quantity, using the natural or honey process method.
- The buyer pays the grower direct.
- Cupping samples are sent direct from the grower to the buyer by DHL in 4 days.
- Ethical Fashion Guatemala ships 10-15-25-70-100 kilo sizes of coffee purchased from growers and delivered in five days to the Buyer.
- Ethical Fashion Guatemala manages export permits; the buyer has no need for brokers.
- No large capital investments.
- Agreements rather than contracts.
- Order on Monday and Roasting on Saturday.
- Coffee prices from the grower range from $4.90 cent per pound for Green Beans. This is up to the buyer and the grower to negotiate.
- Shipping costs depending on the region of the US are $3.30- $4.00 per pound.
- Delivered price coffee and shipping on average $6.00 per pound.
- US retail prices for Roasted Guatemalan Coffee range from $15.00-$23.00 per pound.
- Our model offers Roasters profit margins in the range of 60%-79%.
- 2021 harvest 2 million pounds of coffee available.
- EFG growers have remaining inventories of 2018 Harvest for purchase.
Exporting Green and Roasted Coffee Beans requires an FDA Prior Notice for importing to the United States. EFG provides this permit free.
The Public Health Security and Bioterrorism Preparedness and Response Act of 2002 (the Bioterrorism Act) directs the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), as the food regulatory agency of the Department of Health and Human Services, to take additional steps to protect the public from a threatened or actual terrorist attack on the U.S. food supply and other food-related emergencies.
Exporting Green Coffee Beans to the United States requires the following permissions.
The first step in dry milling is the removal of what is left of the fruit from the bean, whether it is the crumbly parchment skin of wet-processed coffee, the parchment skin, or dried mucilage of semi-dry-processed coffee, or the entire dry, leathery fruit covering of the dry-processed coffee.
Phytosanitary Certificate Issuance & Tracking System (PCIT)
EFG provides this permit per shipment at a fee of $25.00
PCIT system tracks the inspection of agricultural products and certifies compliance with plant health standards of importing countries. This capability provides APHIS/PPQ with better security, reporting functions, and monitoring capabilities for exported commodities.