Lake Atitlan Guatemala Volcanoes
Lake Atitlan Guatemala Volcanoes | Volcán Atitlan | Volcán Tolimán | Volcán San Pedro, hiking is the most popular activities Lake Atitlan, Guatemala.
Guatemala Rainy Season Travelers
Facts About Guatemala Rainy Season For Travelers Travelers reading news, weather reports Guatemala Rainy season is monsoons rains every day.
Guatemala Rainy Season 2021
Guatemala Rainy Season 2021. I have answered this question hundreds of times, how much does it rain each day during Rainy Season?
I Walked 500 Miles Around Lake Atitlan Guatemala
Whew, you heard it correct, Walked 500 Miles Around Lake Atitlan Guatemala. And to think its approximately 55 kilometers around Lake Atitlan
Why Live in Guatemala
Why Live in Guatemala is a question many of my friends living in the United States still ask me after all my years of living in Guatemala.
Best 5 Antigua Guatemala Hotels
Antigua Guatemala Hotels. My “Best 5 Antigua Guatemala Hotels” in the following categories are:
Best “Get Your Garden On” Antigua Guatemala Hotel:
Quinta de las Flores (Country House of Flowers) easily wins this category. Staying…
Guatemala Cultural Village Experience
Our Cultural & Village Experience, we try to blend in as much as possible so that you get a real sense of what life is like here in Lake Atitlan.
Guatemalan Medicinal Plant Tour
Guatemalan Medicinal Plant Tour 3 - Day Tour On this 3-day tour, you will learn about many medicinal plants in the Highland of Guatemala.
Guatemala Seasonal Travel
Guatemala Seasonal Travel
Every country has its own traditions and customs that make it unique and special and Guatemala is no different. There are more than 20 different ethnic groups across Guatemala, each with some special seasonal and…