
Hidden Gems of Lake AtitlánLake Atitlan Tours

Hidden Gems of Lake Atitlán

Looking for a one-of-a-kind experience on Lake Atitlán, away from the usual tourist routes? Let us introduce you to two of the lake’s best-kept secrets: Santa Catarina Palopó and San Antonio Palopó. Nestled just a short distance from Panajachel, these charming villages offer an authentic and immersive experience that you won’t find in more visited locations.
Lake Atitlan Boat Schedule Prices Updated

Lake Atitlan Boat Schedule Prices Updated

Lake Atitlan Boat Schedule Prices Updated. Recently we published a blog, "Lake Atitlan Boat Schedule Price and Times" post discussing early boat services from San Pedro to Panajachel. The article was viewed hundreds of times over the last few weeks with many comments and debates about the boat captains, prices, times and the hustlers on the streets of Panajachel
NO GMO For Guatemala | Fruits & VegetablesGrow Your Own Cure

NO GMO For Guatemala | Fruits & Vegetables

NO GMO For Guatemala Fruits & Vegetables | Monsanto has been Stopped in their attempt to include GMO in Lake Atitlan Food. The fresh fruits, and vegetables in the Lake Atitlan markets will amaze you.  Lake Atitlan Food in the form of fruits and vegetables are so plentiful that you won’t know where to start and while there are many that you will recognize there are also plenty that you will not.
Indian Nose Interesting Mountain - On The Shores Of Lake AtitlanGuatemala Travel Services

Indian Nose Interesting Mountain – On The Shores Of Lake Atitlan

Indian Nose Is A Interesting Mountain On The Shores Of Lake Atitlan located on the northwest shores of Lake Atitlan beside San Juan La Laguna is the famous mountain formation that is called
San Antonio Palopo Restaurant

San Antonio Palopo Empanadas Terrazas del Lago Hotel

San Antonio Palopo Empanadas Terrazas del Lago, if you have ever visited Lake Atitlan Guatemala then you probably know all the popular restaurants frequented by tourists. However, once you live at Lake Atitlan you start exploring and learning about all the little hidden gem restaurants that are scattered around the lake.
Lake Atitlan Village Boat Tour

Lake Atitlan Hiking Weekend Adventures Two Crazy People

Lake Atitlan Hiking, weekends are made for hiking and there is…
Lake Atitlan Guatemala Hotel Listings

Lake Atitlan Guatemala Hotel Listings

Solola Panajachel Hotel Directory for Travelers to Lake Atitlan Guatemala in which one can also find more details on Lake Atitlan Hotels, Tours, Trips & Tickets for the Highlands of Guatemala. If you would like to add your Hotel, Tours, Trips, Boat Schedules please contact us for adding your listings for free.

Lake Atitlan Earlier Boat Schedule Price & Times

Lake Atitlan Earlier Boat Schedule Price & Times. Due to earlier flights leaving Guatemala City International Airport shuttle services are leaving at FIVE IN THE MORNING. We have posted this information previously that an early boat service from San Pedro to Panajachel. Lake Atitlan Earlier Boat Schedule
Top Five Lake Atitlan Guatemala Villages

Top Five Lake Atitlan Villages

Top Five Lake Atitlan Villages, everyone loves the top 5 lists and we are no different. And as difficult as it is to choose our Top Five Lake Atitlan Villages we have put together a list based on our experience of living at the Lake and the interesting and unique characteristics that each of these villages have to offer.


Lake Atitlan Village Boat TourGrow Your Own Cure

Lake Atitlan Village Boat Tour

Lake Atitlan Village Boat Tour | San Juan | San Pedro #1 TripAdvisor and by our guests who found our unique experience takes you on a one day adventure of Lake Atitlan. Covid-19