
NO GMO For Guatemala | Fruits & VegetablesGrow Your Own Cure
Indian Nose Interesting Mountain - On The Shores Of Lake AtitlanGuatemala Travel Services
Lake Atitlan Boat Schedule Prices Updated
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Lake Atitlan Boat Schedule Prices Updated

Lake Atitlan Boat Schedule Prices Updated. Recently we published a blog, "Lake Atitlan Boat Schedule Price and Times" post discussing early boat services from San Pedro to Panajachel. The article was viewed hundreds of times over the last few weeks with many comments and debates about the boat captains, prices, times and the hustlers on the streets of Panajachel
Guatemala's Best Fried ChickenLake Atitlan Travel Services
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Guatemala’s Best Fried Chicken

Guatemala's Best Fried Chicken: I adore good fried chicken, and Guatemala comes in first place for me. Fried chicken is available everywhere in Guatemala, with franchises, local stores on every corner, and weekend street food in Panajachel.
Guatemala Artisans Copyright Protection | Antigua Artisan Markets | Guatemala Coffee Production | Ethical Fashion Guatemala Cacao Production | Village Artisan Tours | Chichicastenango Markets | Importing Exporting ServicesLake Atitlan Tours
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Guatemala Artisans Copyright Protection

Guatemala Artisans Copyright Protection is an essential issue for Guatemala's artisans, who often rely on the sale of their unique, handmade goods to support their livelihoods. Ethical Fashion Guatemala is working to promote fair trade practices and protect the intellectual property rights of artisans.
Guatemala Travel Reviews 2023 Fantastic Learning Experience. I was in contact with Kara before our trip and she set up everything for 2 toursGrow Your Own Cure

Guatemala Travel Reviews 2022 | Lake Atitlan | Hiking | Cooking School

Guatemala Travel Reviews 2022 Fantastic Learning Experience. I was in contact with Kara before our trip and she set up everything for 2 tours
Lake Atitlan Guatemala Hotel Listings
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Lake Atitlan Guatemala Hotel Listings

Solola Panajachel Hotel Directory for Travelers to Lake Atitlan Guatemala in which one can also find more details on Lake Atitlan Hotels, Tours, Trips & Tickets for the Highlands of Guatemala. If you would like to add your Hotel, Tours, Trips, Boat Schedules please contact us for adding your listings for free.
Lake Atitlan Rentals

Lake Atitlan Real Estate

Lake Atitlan Real Estate considering a purchase. Under Guatemalan law, foreigners can acquire, maintain and dispose of real property with very few restrictions. What foreigners cannot do is own land directly next to rivers, oceans or international borders. Foreign firms developing projects in designated tourism zones are eligible for income tax exemption on revenue from their investment in the country.
Guatemala Zika Virus Updates For 2018

Zika Virus Mosquitoes Guatemala?

Zika Virus Mosquitoes Guatemala? Guatemala has mosquitos, but the amount varies by region and time of year. Mosquitos are most plentiful during the rainy season — during this time of year be sure to protect yourself using bug spray, long-sleeved…
Lake Atitlan ATM Machines Banks
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Lake Atitlan ATM Machines Banks

Lake Atitlan ATM Machines and Banks, Lake Atitlan has Numerous ATM Machines at Banks in Lake Atitlan Villages and provides a list of Banks.
500 miles around Lake Atitlan
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I Walked 500 Miles Around Lake Atitlan Guatemala

Whew, you heard it correct, Walked 500 Miles Around Lake Atitlan Guatemala. And to think its approximately 55 kilometers around Lake Atitlan
Villages of Lake Atitlan Guatemala
San Juan Lake Atitlan Guatemala

San Juan Lake Atitlan Guatemala

San Juan Lake Atitlan Guatemala is located on the southern shore of Lake Atitlan. The weaving in San Juan La Laguna is different.
Burning of San Pedro Volcano

The Burning of San Pedro Volcano

The Burning of San Pedro Volcano can bee seen for miles around Lake Atitlan. Climbing San Pedro Volcano is a very popular activity with Tourists. The fires may have perhaps hampered this activity. At least the views across Lake Atitlan have been marred by the smoke.
San Juan Lake Atitlan Artist

San Juan Lake Atitlan Artist Francisco Vásquez Mendoza

For many people, artistic talents are elusive. But for one San Juan La Laguna, Lake Atitlan family, the ability seems to be a genetic gift passed down through the generations. The Vásquez Mendoza family lives in San Juan and is a family of extremely talented painters. The patriarch, Antonio Vásquez Yojcóm, taught his wife and children the unique and distinctive style of painting that has made their work highly sought after.
Guatemala Smartphone Case

Guatemala Smartphone Case | La Cueva Leather San Juan

Guatemala Smartphone Case | From La Cueva Leather San Juan La Laguna. We all love our Smartphones, some of us are addicted to them, we buy all these gadgets to add to our Smart Phones such as selfie sticks, added memory, and a rubber case to…
Eco Hotel San Juan La Laguna Uxlabil Atitlan

Eco Hotel San Juan La Laguna Uxlabil Atitlan

Eco Hotel San Juan La Laguna Uxlabil Atitlan, while San Juan La Laguna is one of the smaller villages around Lake Atitlan, in recent years it has been evolving into a sophisticated painting, weaving, and art haven. With women’s weaving…
Phosphate Free Detergents Lake Atitlan Guatemala
Guatemala the Impact Of Sustainable Travel & Ecotourism

Lake Atitlan Garbage Clean Up Begins

Lake Atitlan Garbage Clean Up Begins. The Highlands of Guatemala has a documented garbage problem. For decades, trash has been simply dumped on the ground and untreated sewage has been diverted into neighboring waterways leading into Lake Atitlan.
Lake Atitlan Semana Santa 2017

Lake Atitlan Semana Santa 2017

Lake Atitlan Semana Santa 2017, Guatemala is a country steeped in great history and traditions, with a vibrant indigenous culture, stunning and awe-inspiring mountains and volcanoes, it is a region of the world that offers a plethora of diversity…
Lake Atitlan Guatemala Back Strap Weaving

Lake Atitlan Guatemala Back Strap Weaving

In the village of San Juan the Tz’utujil women make their clothing with hand spun pure organic cotton threads that have been hand dyed with natural dyes and colorants derived from locally found plants. The dyeing process is both an art and a science that the Tz’utujil women have mastered.
Lake Atitlan Website Design ProfessionalsGrow your own cure

Lake Atitlan Website Design Professionals

Lake Atitlan Website Design Professionals In making a decision about your Business Website you need to consider hiring a professional organization. Our team of developers have produced websites for clients from Nicaragua to Canada. Cigars, to…
Internet for Travelers Lake Atitlan

Lake Atitlan Wifi Hot Spots, Internet Services

Lake Atitlan Wifi Hot Spots, Internet Services around Lake Atitlan can be a challenge for locals and those traveling through the highlands of Guatemala. Finally a solution is available a simple service which allows you Wifi access on a per hour,…