
Thanksgiving at Lake AtitlánLake Atitlan Travel Services

Thanksgiving at Lake Atitlán

My Thanksgiving Message to loved ones. A loved one once told me “You are a fighter” that I am. For many of my loved ones, we remain separated. Be thankful we are alive and together we will make it through these times. I will celebrate with a Turkey feast, only holding my thoughts for all on this day. All my love James.
Lake Atitlan Boat Schedule Prices Updated

Lake Atitlan Boat Schedule Prices Updated

Lake Atitlan Boat Schedule Prices Updated. Recently we published a blog, "Lake Atitlan Boat Schedule Price and Times" post discussing early boat services from San Pedro to Panajachel. The article was viewed hundreds of times over the last few weeks with many comments and debates about the boat captains, prices, times and the hustlers on the streets of Panajachel
San Pedro Sunrise HikeLake Atitlan Tours

San Pedro Sunrise Hike

San Pedro Sunrise Hike is located on the northwest shores of Lake Atitlan beside San Juan La Laguna is the famous mountain formation called Indian Nose for its resemblance to a Mayan nose.
Lake Atitlan Boat ScheduleLake Atitlan Tours

Lake Atitlan Boat Schedule

Lake Atitlan Boat Schedule From San Pedro for Panajachel. First Boat leaves from San Pedro to Panajachel at 6:00 AM. Lake Atitlan Boat Schedule from Panajachel
Lake Atitlan Guatemala Back Strap Weaving

Lake Atitlan Guatemala Back Strap Weaving

In the village of San Juan the Tz’utujil women make their clothing with hand spun pure organic cotton threads that have been hand dyed with natural dyes and colorants derived from locally found plants. The dyeing process is both an art and a science that the Tz’utujil women have mastered.
NO GMO For Guatemala | Fruits & VegetablesGrow Your Own Cure

NO GMO For Guatemala | Fruits & Vegetables

NO GMO For Guatemala Fruits & Vegetables | Monsanto has been Stopped in their attempt to include GMO in Lake Atitlan Food. The fresh fruits, and vegetables in the Lake Atitlan markets will amaze you.  Lake Atitlan Food in the form of fruits and vegetables are so plentiful that you won’t know where to start and while there are many that you will recognize there are also plenty that you will not.
Indian Nose Interesting Mountain - On The Shores Of Lake AtitlanGuatemala Travel Services

Indian Nose Interesting Mountain – On The Shores Of Lake Atitlan

Indian Nose Is A Interesting Mountain On The Shores Of Lake Atitlan located on the northwest shores of Lake Atitlan beside San Juan La Laguna is the famous mountain formation that is called
Guatemala Tour ServicesGrow Your Own Cure

Lake Atitlan Village Tour 2023

Lake Atitlan Village Tour | San Juan | San Pedro | Santiago | Panajachel , we have found some of the best moments in life. Our Village Boat Tour is a unique guided tour of Lake Atitlan, and the surrounding Villages.
Lake Atitlan Street Food Tour By Night PanajachelGrow Your Own Cure

Lake Atitlan Street Food Tour

Lake Atitlan Street Food Tour is a safe and fun food and cultural experience for all our Street Food Tours enjoy by hundred of guests.


Lake Atitlan Village Boat TourGrow Your Own Cure

Lake Atitlan Village Boat Tour

Lake Atitlan Village Boat Tour | San Juan | San Pedro #1 TripAdvisor and by our guests who found our unique experience takes you on a one day adventure of Lake Atitlan. Covid-19