
Indian Nose Interesting Mountain - On The Shores Of Lake AtitlanGuatemala Travel Services
Guatemala Herbal Medicine Mayan Traditions
Guatemala Mayan Ruins Locations & Facts
Chichicastenango Market | Market DaysGrow your own cure
Guatemala Herbal Medicine TreatmentsLake Atitlan Tours
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Guatemala Herbal Medicine Treatments

Guatemala Herbal Medicine Treatments, Guatemala, like many other countries, has a rich tradition of herbal medicine treatments. Herbal remedies are often used as complementary or alternative therapies to conventional medicine.
Guatemala Herbal Medicines Use Aloe Species
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Guatemala Herbal Medicines Aloe

Guatemala Herbal Medicines use Aloe Species species are frequently cultivated as ornamental plants both in gardens and in pots. Many Guatemala Aloe species are highly decorative and are valued by collectors of succulents.
Exploring Lake Atitlan | Hiking Trails | Villages | Markets | CultureLake Atitlan Tours
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Exploring Lake Atitlan | Hiking Trails | Villages | Markets | Culture

Lake Atitlan Tours Hiking Villages Markets. Lake Atitlan Tours Provides Complete Tour Services for Travelers visiting the Highlands of Guatemala, Lake Atitlan, Antigua, Livingston and other regions of Guatemala.
Mayan Ceremonial Cacao FactsGrow Your Own Cure
Lake Atitlan Churches

Guatemala Mayan Population 39.8% are Indigenous 23 Mayan groups

Guatemala Mayan Population approximately 39.8% of the population is Indigenous and consist of 23 Maya groups and one non-Mayan group. These are divided as follows: (K'iche 9.1%, 8.4% Kaqchikel, Mam 7.9%, 6.3% Q'eqchi', other Mayan peoples 8.6%, 0.2% indigenous non-Mayan). They live all over the country, especially in the highlands.
Guatemala Chocolate Licor Marrón Chocolate

Guatemala Chocolate Licor Marrón Chocolate

Guatemala Chocolate Licor Marrón Chocolate. See You In Guatemala For Chocolate At Licor Marrón Chocolate Factory and Tours.
San Antonio Palopo Lake Atitlan Facts

Lake Atitlan Guatemalan Mayan Pottery Sale

Guatemalan Mayan Pottery Sale perhaps needs some explanation or clarification of the differences in Mayan Pottery and the Ceramics found in the Village of San Antonio Palopo on Lake Atitlan Guatemala. The difference is first explained in…
Lake Atitlan Guatemala Back Strap Weaving

Guatemala Handmade Textiles For Sale

Guatemala Handmade Textiles For Sale assures travelers information provided will direct those to find Guatemala Handmade Textiles