
Indian Nose Interesting Mountain - On The Shores Of Lake AtitlanGuatemala Travel Services
Semana Santa Lake Atitlan Good Friday Tour
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Semana Santa Lake Atitlan

Semana Santa Lake Atitlan Good Friday Tour. Semana Santa is a celebration which commemorates the crucifixion and resurrection of Christ. On Good Friday as part of Semana Santa celebration, the cobblestone streets of Santa Catarina Palopó and San Antonio Palopó, Guatemala is transformed into an artistic canvas.
Lake Atitlan | Hiking |Upper Rim Hike
Lake Atitlan Village Boat Tour

Lake Atitlan Hiking Weekend Adventures Two Crazy People

Lake Atitlan Hiking, weekends are made for hiking and there is no place more beautiful than Lake Atitlan Guatemala in the western highlands to hike.  So with the close of our crazy and busy work week we went to have an off-the-beaten-path adventure. …

Lake Atitlan Earlier Boat Schedule Price & Times

Lake Atitlan Earlier Boat Schedule Price & Times. Due to earlier flights leaving Guatemala City International Airport shuttle services are leaving at FIVE IN THE MORNING. We have posted this information previously that an early boat service from San Pedro to Panajachel. Lake Atitlan Earlier Boat Schedule
Top Five Lake Atitlan Guatemala Villages

Top Five Lake Atitlan Villages

Top Five Lake Atitlan Villages, everyone loves the top 5 lists and we are no different. And as difficult as it is to choose our Top Five Lake Atitlan Villages we have put together a list based on our experience of living at the Lake and the interesting and unique characteristics that each of these villages have to offer.
Touring Lake Atitlan VillagesLake Atitlan Tours
Semana Santa Guatemala

Semana Santa Guatemala 2022 Antigua and Lake Atitlan

Semana Santa Guatemala, Holy Week in in Guatemala 2022 Antigua and Lake Atitlan is celebrated with street expressions of faith , called processions, usually organized by a "hermandades". Each procession of Holy Week has processional floats and steps, which are often religious images of the Passion of Christ, or Marian images, although there are exceptions, like the allegorical steps of saints.
500 miles around Lake Atitlan
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I Walked 500 Miles Around Lake Atitlan Guatemala

Whew, you heard it correct, Walked 500 Miles Around Lake Atitlan Guatemala. And to think its approximately 55 kilometers around Lake Atitlan
The Village of San Juan Lake Atitlan
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Santa Catarina Palopo Weavers Familia Típicos Pérez

The indigenous women of Santa Catarina Palopo Weavers continue the art of hand-woven weaving back-strap loom, Santa Catarina Palopo Weavers. Santa Catarina Palopo Weavers Familia Típicos Pérez - Lake Atitlan Tours and Travel Services
I See Hundreds of Happy FacesLake Atitlan Tours
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Guatemala Casa Palopo Dining Experience

Guatemala Casa Palopo Dining Experience was the worse food I have ever had. For those not familiar with Casa Palopo a short introduction.
Villages of Lake Atitlan Guatemala
Lake Atitlan Santa Catarina Palopo

Lake Atitlan Santa Catarina Palopo

Lake Atitlan Santa Catarina Palopo. We know that living in a small indigenous village isn’t for everyone. Lake Atitlan Santa Catarina Palopo. Lake Atitlan Santa Catarina Palopo - Lake Atitlan Tours and Travel Services
Guatemala Family Vacation

Guatemala Family Vacation Woodstock New York

Guatemala Family Vacation | Woodstock New York Our love affair with Guatemala first began 30 years ago when we traveled to Guatemala as backpacking tourists. We fell in love with the people, the landscapes, the markets, the colors, the weaving, and we ended up purchasing a vacation home in the village of Santa Catarina Palopo.
Santa Catarina Palopo
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Santa Catarina Palopo Road “CLOSED”

Santa Catarina Palopo Road "CLOSED" We previously posted about the Road Construction going on in the village of Santa Catarina Palopó. The Road through Santa Catarina Palopo, to San Antonio Palopó is completely dug up and is impassable to Vehicles of any type. Just to be clear.
Santa Catarina Palopo
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Delays Passing Through Santa Catarina Palopo Road Work

We posted last week about the Road Construction happening in the village of Santa Catarina Palopo. Which effects all traffic coming from Panajachel to Santa Catarina Palopo and on to San Antonio Palopo. Delays Passing Through Santa Catarina…
Guatemala Fresh Fruits & Vegetables

Guatemala Fresh Fruits & Vegetables

Guatemala Fresh Fruits & Vegetables Storage suggestions and advice. Guatemala Fresh Fruits & Vegetables abound in quantity and quality in markets all over Guatemala. Visit the Antigua, Guatemala City, Livingston or Lake Atitlan markets…
Guatemalan WeaversGrow Your Own Cure.

Guatemalan Weavers of Ancestral Designs Argue For Protection

Guatemalan Weavers of Ancestral Designs Argue For Protection. A case, led by a group of women from the community of San Juan Sacatepequez supported by an association of Mayan lawyers asked the courts to have Congress introduce laws specifically…
Phosphate Free Detergents Lake Atitlan Guatemala
Guatemala the Impact Of Sustainable Travel & Ecotourism

Lake Atitlan Garbage Clean Up Begins

Lake Atitlan Garbage Clean Up Begins. The Highlands of Guatemala has a documented garbage problem. For decades, trash has been simply dumped on the ground and untreated sewage has been diverted into neighboring waterways leading into Lake Atitlan.
Lake Atitlan Semana Santa 2017

Lake Atitlan Semana Santa 2017

Lake Atitlan Semana Santa 2017, Guatemala is a country steeped in great history and traditions, with a vibrant indigenous culture, stunning and awe-inspiring mountains and volcanoes, it is a region of the world that offers a plethora of diversity…
Panajachel Guatemala Restaurante Hana
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Panajachel Guatemala Restaurante Hana

Panajachel Guatemala Restaurante Hana, having lived in the Lake Atitlan, Guatemala area for the last four years, we have eaten our way down most of the calles, avenidas, and callejons and what we have found is that Panjachel can be a foodie…
Internet for Travelers Lake Atitlan

Lake Atitlan Wifi Hot Spots, Internet Services

Lake Atitlan Wifi Hot Spots, Internet Services around Lake Atitlan can be a challenge for locals and those traveling through the highlands of Guatemala. Finally a solution is available a simple service which allows you Wifi access on a per hour,…
The Village of San Juan Lake Atitlan

Exposición de Arte del Lago Atitlan/ Juntando Arte y Cultura

Exposición de Arte del Lago Atitlan/ Juntando Arte y Cultura. En la Galería de Arte de Jenna en Panajachel estamos felices de anunciar la apertura de una exposición dedicado a los artistas alrededor del Lago Atitlan. La exposición abre el…