La Voz Coffee Cooperative San Juan La Laguna, have you ever stopped and asked yourself what goes into your morning cup of coffee?  From tree to cup, there is so much more that goes into your morning cup of java than you realize.

Coffee Cooperative San Juan La Laguna is located along the fertile slopes of Lake Atitlan, Guatemala local coffee cooperatives have been growing and roasting organic coffee for generations.

La Voz Coffee Cooperative San Juan La Laguna

La Voz Coffee Cooperative San Juan La Laguna

La Voz Coffee Cooperative San Juan La Laguna

In the highlands of Lake Atitlan, Guatemala grows some of the most distinctive and aromatic coffee in the world.

The environment is ideal in this part of the world for growing coffee—the region has a cooler climate than most other parts of Guatemala, there is plentiful and consistent rainfall each year, and the area is surrounded by the rich soils of the Atitlán, Toliman and the San Pedro Volcano.

Coffee can be grown under shaded or full-sun conditions.

Coffee fincas dot the basin surrounding Lake Atitlan.  Many of these coffee farmers are organized into cooperatives that run their own mills and run the production process themselves from growing, harvesting, and cleaning and drying the berries.

While coffee can be grown under shaded or full-sun conditions, the Guatemalan coffee farmers of Lake Atitlan have mastered the development of growing coffee under large trees used for shading.

While it takes longer for the coffee to ripen growing under these shaded conditions it generally produces a slow-maturing, larger bean with richer and complex flavors.

La Voz Coffee Cooperative San Juan La Laguna

In Guatemala, the coffee harvest season runs from November through January.  If you are visiting Guatemala during those months we invite you to join us in Lake Atitlan Guatemala for a coffee tour from tree to cup.  For more information click on Lake Atitlan Coffee Tour.

La Voz Coffee Cooperative San Juan La Laguna

The Cooperative is a prominent cooperative located in San Juan La Laguna, Guatemala. It is recognized for its efforts in promoting fair trade, sustainability, and social responsibility in the coffee industry. Here’s some information about the cooperative:

  1. Background:
    • The La Voz Coffee Cooperative was established in 1991 by a group of local coffee farmers in San Juan La Laguna, a town situated on the shores of Lake Atitlán in the western highlands of Guatemala.
    • The cooperative was formed with the goal of improving the livelihoods of small-scale coffee farmers by promoting fair trade practices and ensuring better prices for their coffee beans.