Lake Atitlan Massage Therapist Ito Morales first exposure to the healing arts was more than 20 yrs. ago where he received his first training at the Florida school of Massage in Gainesville, Florida.

Lake Atitlan Massage Therapist Lake Atitlan Massage Therapist[/caption]

He moved to San Marcos La Laguna on Lake Atitlan, Guatemala 15 yrs. ago. There he learned many other healing techniques. Not only does he have an active Massage practice, but also teaches and shares his knowledge with others who wish to learn.

Lake Atitlan Massage Therapist

When asked what types of Massage he gives, Ito explains that he will try to give the treatment that is needed. Ito’s work is based on intention, being present with the client, and holding the space.

Lake Atitlan Massage Therapist Lake Atitlan Message Therapist[/caption]

Massage is to work and act on the body with pressure. Massage techniques are commonly applied with hands, fingers, elbows, knees, forearm, feet, or a device. The purpose of massage is generally for the treatment of body stress or pain. People who are professionally trained to give massages were traditionally known as masseurs or masseuses, but the term massage therapist has been promoted.

In professional settings, clients are treated while lying on a massage table, sitting in a massage chair, or lying on a mat on the floor. In amateur settings, a general purpose surface like a bed or the floor is more common. Aquatic massage and bodywork is performed with recipients submersed or floating in a warm-water therapy pool.

Lake Atitlan Massage Therapist

I am not a person that would be one to have a Massage, however after meeting Ito Morales, he has a kind way, a touch that is reassuring and this explosive smile that you will find engaging while calming.

If you are planning to come to Lake Attilan and perhaps a relaxing Massage might be a consideration please contact Ito Morales through this website to make arrangements for Ito to come to your hotel for a message.

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