
My First Hiking Experience
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My First Hiking Experience on Lake Atitlan Had to See it.

My First Hiking Experience on Lake Atitlan Had to See it. I love Hiking Upper Rim Area In particularly the Mirador above San Antonio Palopo. Sometimes I hike for fun, sometimes for exploration, sometimes to the rim of volcanoes, and sometimes for a deep breath. Often times, however, I am hiking as the guide to one of the tours we offer through our Lake Atitlan Tours.
Semana Santa in Antigua

Antigua Guatemala – Cautionary Tale

The following is a cautionary tale. My son encountered a friendly member of the criminal element in his journey through Honduras and Belize this winter. He met a man whose face was scared with the trophies of knife fights. And if his stories portrayed him as the victor, you wouldn’t want to see the loser.