
Roasting Coffee
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Guatemala Coffee Flavors Espresso Cappuccino

Guatemala Coffee, for many people coffee is a must to start the day.  In the Highlands of Guatemala coffee lovers can learn about Guatemala coffee production and coffee roasting by touring coffee fincas in a tour designed to take coffee lovers into the heart of coffee country.
Lake Atitlan Guatemala Facts
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Lake Atitlan Guatemala Facts

Lake Atitlan Guatemala Facts, these 10 fun and interesting facts about Lake Atitlan, Guatemala barely skim the surface when it comes to what makes this area of the world unique, but these facts are great insight into what makes Lake Atitlan unlike any other place.
Lake Atitlan Churches

Guatemala Mayan Population 39.8% are Indigenous 23 Mayan groups

Guatemala Mayan Population approximately 39.8% of the population is Indigenous and consist of 23 Maya groups and one non-Mayan group. These are divided as follows: (K'iche 9.1%, 8.4% Kaqchikel, Mam 7.9%, 6.3% Q'eqchi', other Mayan peoples 8.6%, 0.2% indigenous non-Mayan). They live all over the country, especially in the highlands.