Indian Nose Interesting Mountain – On The Shores Of Lake Atitlan
Indian Nose Is an interesting Mountain On The Shores Of Lake Atitlan located on the northwest shores of Lake Atitlan beside San Juan La Laguna is the famous mountain formation that is called Indian Nose for its resemblance to a Mayan Indian. It is here, from the summit that you can view the most spectacular sunrises around the lake, and in our not-so-humble opinion, the world.
Are we hearing groans from you, non-morning people? We know waking up in the wee hours of the morning is not an easy feat for everybody, but it is well worth it. What? You say you have seen sunrises before. We assure you that you have not seen a sunrise quite like this.
Lake Atitlan sunrises are the best moments in life when all our senses are hyper-aware of just how wonderful life can be, these are the moments that stay with us forever— a moment where nothing else matters but what you are experiencing in the here and now.

Indian Nose Interesting Mountain – On The Shores Of Lake Atitlan
Indian Nose Is A Interesting Mountain On The Shores Of Lake Atitlan
There is nothing like welcoming the start of a new day at the top of a summit watching the array of colors glow brightly in the sky as the sun rises above the three volcanoes—Toliman, San Pedro, and Atitlan—turning the sky a cornucopia of colors.
So set your alarms bright and early for this adventure of hiking under the stars on your way to one of the most beautiful sunrise vantage points on the lake and a feast for your senses. With the amazing scenery, this hike has become one of our favorite ways to start another remarkable day and reconnect with nature in Guatemala.

Indian Nose Interesting Mountain – On The Shores Of Lake Atitlan