
Lake Atitlan Guatemala Hotel Listings
Solola Panajachel Hotel Directory for Travelers to Lake Atitlan Guatemala in which one can also find more details on Lake Atitlan Hotels, Tours, Trips & Tickets for the Highlands of Guatemala. If you would like to add your Hotel, Tours, Trips, Boat Schedules please contact us for adding your listings for free.

Lake Atitlan Top 5 for 2021
Lake Atitlan Top 5 for 2021, often described as one of the most beautiful lakes in the world, Lake Atitlan is not only extremely affordable it offers a mind-blowing diversity of travel experiences. With amazing food, awe-inspiring scenery, affordable lodging, incredible hikes, and the best coffee in the world, Lake Atitlan is calling your name.

Best 5 Antigua Guatemala Hotels
Antigua Guatemala Hotels. My “Best 5 Antigua Guatemala Hotels”…

The Mar Maya Hotel | Sipacate Guatemala
The Mar Maya Hotel | Sipacate Guatemala. Our latest foray into the Guatemala Pacific beaches, just a 1 1/2 hour car ride from Antigua Guatemala, found us in Sipacate, a pueblo located southwest of Antigua Guatemala. From there, a single but perfect hotel beach resort is just a fresh water channel ride away.

Hotel Pa Muelle San Juan La Laguna
With a stay at Hotel Pa Muelle San Juan La Laguna you will be…