
Lake Atitlan Guatemala Hotel Listings

Lake Atitlan Guatemala Hotel Listings

Solola Panajachel Hotel Directory for Travelers to Lake Atitlan Guatemala in which one can also find more details on Lake Atitlan Hotels, Tours, Trips & Tickets for the Highlands of Guatemala. If you would like to add your Hotel, Tours, Trips, Boat Schedules please contact us for adding your listings for free.
lake Atitlan luxury Vacation Rentals

Lake Atitlan Top 5 for 2021

Lake Atitlan Top 5 for 2021, often described as one of the most beautiful lakes in the world, Lake Atitlan is not only extremely affordable it offers a mind-blowing diversity of travel experiences.  With amazing food, awe-inspiring scenery, affordable lodging, incredible hikes, and the best coffee in the world, Lake Atitlan is calling your name.
AntiguaLake Atitlan Tours and Travel Services

Best 5 Antigua Guatemala Hotels

Antigua Guatemala Hotels. My “Best 5 Antigua Guatemala Hotels”…
Welcome to GuatemalaGuatemala Tours and Travel Services

The Mar Maya Hotel | Sipacate Guatemala

The Mar Maya Hotel | Sipacate Guatemala. Our latest foray into the Guatemala Pacific beaches, just a 1 1/2 hour car ride from Antigua Guatemala, found us in Sipacate, a pueblo located southwest of Antigua Guatemala. From there, a single but perfect hotel beach resort is just a fresh water channel ride away.

Hotel Pa Muelle San Juan La Laguna

With a stay at Hotel Pa Muelle San Juan La Laguna you will be…