With a stay at Hotel Pa Muelle San Juan La Laguna you will be right in the heart of San Juan La Laguna known for its friendly Tz’utujil Maya indigenous population and their traditional weaving, coffee fincas, unique and exceptional painting studios, La Cueva Leather, artisans, and incredible kayaking and swimming.

Hotel Pa Muelle San Juan La Laguna

Hotel Pa Muelle San Juan La Laguna

You’ll also be minutes from great hikes up San Pedro Volcano and Indian Nose, one of the top hiking destinations around Lake Atitlan that provides absolutely breathtaking views of the lake.

Hotel Pa Muelle San Juan La Laguna

Hotel Pa Muelle is located on a hillside in San Juan La Laguna just up from the docks. The hotel is clean and well-maintained with gardens and views overlooking the mountains and volcanoes that surround it.

Hotel Pa Muelle San Juan La Laguna

Hotel Pa Muelle San Juan La Laguna

Rosa and Ofelia and their family operate this friendly and inviting hotel that provides comfortable accommodations, stunning views, clean rooms, nice amenities, and affordable prices.

Among the amenities is a stocked refrigerator with water, soda, and beer for purchase.  Guests can also use the communal kitchen complete with outdoor dining area with a stove and cooking utensils.

Hotel Pa Muelle San Juan La Laguna

Hotel Pa Muelle San Juan La Laguna

Other amenities include a mini library complete with books in multiple languages, a shared complimentary computer, complimentary wireless Internet access to keep you connected, a small selection of  free weights, and a 3rd floor covered terrace with lounge chairs and spectacular views of the lake.

Hotel Pa Muelle San Juan La Laguna

All rooms have private bathrooms, hot water, comfortable beds, cable TV, and sitting areas with table and chairs on the shared patio.

Lake Atitlan is unquestionably one of the most beautiful places on earth.  We invite you to come see for yourself.

Contact Hotel Pa Muelle

Telephones: (502) 4141-0820 or (502) 4141-0830
Email: hotelpamuelle@turbonett.com or hotelpamuelle@live.com
Address: Cantón Chinimayá, San Juan la Laguna, Sololá. It is next to the municipal market on the street from the dock to town.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Pa-Muelle