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Lake Atitlan Spanish School Jabel Tinamit

Lake Atitlan Spanish School Jabel Tinamit

Lake Atitlan Spanish School Jabel Tinamit, if you want to see the world and learn a new language at the same time we invite you to explore Guatemalan Mayan culture and learn Spanish in Lake Atitlan, Guatemala. Guatemala is centrally located,…
Lake Atitlan Sunrise Volcano Tour San PedroLake Atitlan Tours

How Do You Spell Dream Vacation

Ask ten people what their idea of a dream vacation is and you will get ten different answers.  The choices and ideas of the perfect vacation are as varied as the people who dream about them. How Do You Spell Dream Vacation Take for instance…
Christmas in Guatemala

Christmas in Guatemala a Celebration

Christmas in Guatemala a Celebration, one of the wonderful things about moving to another country, in my case Guatemala, is learning and experiencing the culture and traditions.  This upcoming Christmas season marks my fifth year in Guatemala. …
Guatemala Fixer

The Olympics Inspire Us To Get Off The Sofa And Get Active

The Olympics Inspire Us To Get Off The Sofa And Get Active.  I love the Olympics.  In fact, I was actually doing a countdown to the opening ceremonies for a month before they even started.  And like millions of people around the world I have…