Ask ten people what their idea of a dream vacation is and you will get ten different answers.  The choices and ideas of the perfect vacation are as varied as the people who dream about them.

How Do You Spell Dream Vacation

Take for instance my friend Abigail, her perfect vacation includes sitting in a cabin in the woods where her days would consist of spending hours on the front porch reading and her evenings would consist of watching the sun set.  Kayla another friend describes her perfect vacation as someplace with sun, a pool and poolside margarita service.

dream vacation

Amber’s ideal vacation is anywhere tropical with sand beaches and crystal blue water.  Tara seconds that adding some where she can sit on the porch of her bungalow staring out at the turquoise waters while drinking an adult beverage.

Keeley wants to roam and eat her way shamelessly through a country with no set agenda.  While Elle wants beautiful scenery, great climate that is not too hot or too cold and has lots of sun, flowers, trails to hike, and history.

As you can see everyone has their own idea of a dream vacation.  And while the world is full of fascinating destinations, choosing the perfect vacation spot can sometimes present something of a challenge.

Personally, I look at vacations as an enriching experience.  Therefore, I love adventure travel.  So with that in mind, I look for a new place to explore where every day is different where I can soak in not only the history but the culture and people.

dream vacation

A location where I can spend all day outside taking in nature, hiking, and climbing and also where I can explore and discover crumbling ruins or local treasures, surrounded by natural beauty, amazing wildlife, connecting with locals, enjoying the local cuisine, and capturing it with my camera.

If your ideal vacation sounds like any of the above then I have the perfect location for you to explore…Guatemala.

Guatemala is a region of the world that offers a plethora of diversity not just culturally, but geographically too.  It is the Dream Vacation secret of the tropics offering something for everyone and is the perfect combination of natural beauties, volcanoes and mountains, spectacular weather, ancient Mayan temples and ruins, lively and colorful outdoor markets, cobblestone streets, boundless recreational activities, and Guatemala beaches on two coasts: the Pacific, and the Caribbean.

Guatemala’s unique physical attributes offer some of the most-awe-inspiring sites in the world.  In Guatemala, I cannot count the number of times that I have been stunned into silence by the views in front of me.  You know those “pinch me” travel moments when something takes your breath away, and you can’t believe what you are seeing and doing.  I absolutely love those moments in life.  After all, isn’t that what life is about?

dream vacation

There is a quote that comes into my mind at these times, “It is not the number of breaths you take, but the moments that take your breath away.”  If you haven’t visited Guatemala and witnessed what I’m talking about, it’s time to pack your bags and experience for yourself the ultimate “pinch me” moment.

About Lake Atitlan Tours

Lake Atitlan Tours started with the belief that other travelers share our desire to experience authentic adventures by immersing ourselves in the life of a region, exploring hidden corners, and partaking and appreciating local culture.  Our tours, at their heart, are a way of connecting more authentically with the world.

For more information on a Guatemala Dream Vacation and Lake Atitlan Tours visit Lake Atitlan Tours.

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