
Lake Atitlan Guatemala Back Strap Weaving

Lake Atitlan Guatemala Back Strap Weaving

In the village of San Juan the Tz’utujil women make their clothing with hand spun pure organic cotton threads that have been hand dyed with natural dyes and colorants derived from locally found plants. The dyeing process is both an art and a science that the Tz’utujil women have mastered.
Lake Atitlan Guatemala Hand Made YarnsEthical Fashion Guatemala

Lake Atitlan Weaving Fabrics Yarns Sale

Lake Atitlan Weaving Fabrics Yarns For Sale provides information on Weaving Co-Operatives, Weaving Groups, Weaving Associations throughout Guatemala.
Lake Atitlan Art Exhibition

Lake Atitlan Art Exhibition Weavers, Art, Leather

Lake Atitlan Art Exhibition | Bringing Art and Culture Together,…
The Village of San Juan Lake Atitlan

Exposición de Arte del Lago Atitlan/ Juntando Arte y Cultura

Exposición de Arte del Lago Atitlan/ Juntando Arte y Cultura.…
Lake Atitlán

Bienvenidos Lake Atitlán Guatemala!

Bienvenidos Lake Atitlán Guatemala! My partner, Jake, and I…