Guatemala Zika Virus Travel Facts

Guatemala Zika Virus Travel Facts Updated, Guatemala Rainy season has come to an end.  This highly reduces the breeding of mosquitoes in the region of the Highlands of Guatemala which encompasses Lake Atitlan Guatemala.

According to this CDC report, the mosquitoes that spread Zika usually do not live at elevations above 6,500 feet (2,000 meters) because of environmental conditions.

Travelers whose itineraries are limited to areas above this elevation are at minimal risk of getting Zika from a mosquito. The following map shows areas of Guatemala above and below 6,500 feet.*

Guatemala Zika Virus Travel Facts

Guatemala Zika Virus Travel Facts

The map below offers a clearer view that the Lake Atitlan region is in the low risk area.

Guatemala Zika Virus Travel Facts

Guatemala Zika Virus Travel Facts

Guatemala Zika Virus Travel Facts Updated

The categories shown on this map are intended as a general guideline and should not be considered to indicate absolute risk. Elevation may vary within an area to a larger extent than this map can depict. The presence of mosquitoes may change seasonally, with increasing temperatures or rainfall, and may change over time.

Travelers to destinations that cross or are near an elevation border may wish to consider the destination as an area of lower elevation. Travelers to high elevations are still at risk of getting Zika from sex.

You can also read more about Guatemala Zika Virus Travel Facts
