Lake Atitlan Weather Sunsets
Lake Atitlan Weather offers visitors consistent daily shows of spectacular Sunsets. For the best views of Sunsets is from the Panajachel side of Lake Atitlan.

Lake Atitlan Weather Sunsets
Lake Atitlan Weather reports are Fake News from all of the Weather Channels. Today for example, the Weather Channel predicted a 55% chance of rain for Panajachel. Our weather today was sunny and hot. Often travelers look at our weather reports and change their minds about travel.
Lake Atitlan Weather for most of the season provides travelers with Sunsets will take your breath away, this time of year the sunsets almost over the top of San Pedro Volcano. Lake Fall the Sunsets are almost over the city of Solola far to the right of the San Pedro Volcano.
The Panajachel side of Lake Atitlan offers the best views of Sunsets. From the village of San Antonio Palopo to Solola, you will find stunning locations for viewing the sunsets. The higher you are above the Lake offers the best views.
The El Mirador in Godinez is my first choice of viewing Sunsets, a short 30 minute ride up the Highlands to Godinez will place you looking at the tops of the Volcanoes across the Lake. The view forget a sunset is one only locals know about.
The beaches along the shoreline of Panajachel provides ringside seats to see the Sunsets. You will find a number of Restaurant’s and a newly completed beach area with many areas to sit and view the Sunsets.
The time of Sunsets will begin around 5:30 PM, because Guatemala has 12 hours of sunlight and 12 hours of Darkness.