Mayan Egg Cleansing Ritual
Mayan Egg Cleansing Ritual. The egg cleansing ritual, or limpia con huevo, is an ancient practice rooted in Mayan spirituality, with a history spanning over 2,000 years. This traditional ritual is a cornerstone of Mayan healing and spiritual growth, passed down through generations of curanderos and curanderas.
The Mayan Healer Center
Opening February 1st – Embark on Your Wellness Journey
Whether you’re seeking relief from stress, physical ailments, or emotional struggles, the Mayan Healer Center is prepared to offer you a life-changing experience. Led by Grow Your Own Cure, these retreats blend ancient wisdom with modern wellness practices in a breathtaking setting.
Guatemala Mayan Herbal Medicine
Guatemala Herbal Medicine, The Mayan Traditions of Herbal Medicine thrived for six centuries through areas that are now Yucatan, Quintana Roo, Campeche, Tabasco, and Chiapas are in Mexico
San Pedro Fresh Baked?
Every morning, I head to the center of San Pedro for San Pedro Fresh Baked Breads. This colorful lady will be found in San Pedro every morning, offering freshly baked loaves of coconut, banana, chocolate, cacao, and cinnamon.
What a Guatemalan Coffee Farmer Earns
Starbucks, like many large coffee companies, often sources its coffee through direct contracts with producers, cooperatives, or exporters. Starbucks claims to pay above the average commodity market price, but the details of these payments vary by region and quality. Here’s what we know:
Semuc Champey
Semuc Champey
We added Tikal as you will be close. Fly Back to Guatemala City from Tikal. Maps Included.
While Semuc Champey, with its turquoise pools and jungle hikes, remains a hidden gem for many travelers, it’s conveniently located near the ancient Maya city of Tikal.
Guatemala Mayan Medicine
Guatemala Mayan Medicine Tour. Are you interested in the natural healing powers of plants? Join us 1-day on Lake Atitlan for Herbal Medicine
Lema Weaving Association San Juan La Laguna
Lema Weaving Association represents 15 Tz'utujil families. Lema Weaving Association is a cooperative that was started to improve
Lake Atitlan Village Boat Tour
Lake Atitlan Village Boat Tour | San Juan | San Pedro #1 TripAdvisor and by our guests who found our unique experience takes you on a one day adventure of Lake Atitlan. Covid-19
Lake Atitlan Weaving Workshops
Lake Atitlan Weaving Workshops are a rare opportunity to learn from a community of Indigenous Tz’utujil women. Lake Atitlan Weaving Workshops Learn Weaving from a Mayan Weaver