San Pedro Lake Atitlan

San Pedro Lake Atitlan Guatemala facts. The village of San Pedro La Laguna on Lake Atitlan is one of my favorite villages on the Lake. San Pedro in its earlier years was the home for many hippie travelers—that was 20 years ago. Today, San Pedro still remains a destination for the younger travelers and backpackers that visit Lake Atitlan.

If you are traveling to San Pedro you have two options. The first would be taking a boat called a lancha from Panajachel to San Pedro or you can take a chicken bus from Godinez to San Pedro. The lancha service from Panajachel is quick and easy. Direct lanchas travel approximately every 30 minutes between the two villages starting at 6:00am.

Boats on Lake Atitlan

You also have the option of taking a lancha to San Pedro Lake Atitlan that makes stops at the villages in route to San Pedro. These villages include Jaibalito, Tzununa, Santa Cruz, San Marcos, and other private dock stops along the way.

Taking this particular route gives you a quick glimpse at the villages from the lake. The estimated time on the lancha for the direct boat is approximately 30-45 minutes and for the village hop route approximately 45-60 minutes. Morning boat trips are much smoother as the wind picks up on the

Lake in the afternoon and can make for some bumpy rides.The easiest and most convenient way to get from Antigua Guatemala to San Pedro is by shuttle bus. You can walk into most travel agencies in Antigua and they can get you a ticket. To contact the shuttle company directly call 5974-8753. The shuttle ride takes approximately three hours, including a 15 minute rest break at a petrol station for food, drink, and to use the restroom. The views are spectacular.

From Guatemala City to San Pedro there are three different companies that provide transportation.

They are Transportes Mendez, Veloz San Pedrana, and Transportes Wendy. Buses leave at 11AM (Wendy), 11:30AM (Mendez), 12PM (Pedrana), 12:30PM (Pedrana), 2PM (Mendez) and 4PM (Mendez) and pass along 20a Calle between 4a and 5a Avenida, Zona 1. The 4 hour journey to San Pedro costs 25Q (approx. $3.50). Or in the bus terminal, Trebol, direct buses leave every hour from 6am or 7am to 5pm or 7pm.

For lodging in San Pedro there are many options from hostels to hotels. Hostel prices start at $7.00 a night while hotel will start at around $18.00 per night. The following are some options for lodging Art Cafe El Colibri, Casa Atitlan (email for more information), Hotel Mikaso (email for more information), Hospedaje Lolita (Facebook: Hospedaje Lolita), Hotel Pinocchio, Hotel San Antonio (502-7721-8374), and Posada del Bosque Encantado.

Night life in San Pedro Lake Atitlan is on each and every night.

Fun places to hangout at for night life in San Pedro include the Buddha Bar, Zoola, Nick’s Place and El Barrio. Zoola has a night club atmosphere, bar with a pool, and beautiful view of the Lake. It’s a great place with a good vibe and has one of the most sought after DJ’s in town who happens to also be one of our tour guides. Henry creates an environment that’s fun and exciting and keeps the dance floor full.

The Buddha is a great bar offering evening entertainment and the best fish taco’s around. They have a pool table that is free to use and an upper deck where you can sit and view the lake. D’Noz is a wonderful restaurant located by the docks that has an awesome fish fry every Friday night. The price is Q60.

It is easy to walk, however, if you do want transportation there are many tuk tuk’s that can provide it for a reasonable rate. Always fascinating is the local market where you can purchase fresh vegetables, fruit, and meat. The market is located by the church in San Pedro and both are worth visiting.

San Pedro Lake Atitlan has interesting medicinal herbal gardens that are educational and worth visiting. San Pedro is also the home of Christine who is a healer using natural healing treatments. If you would like to learn more about Christine and the healing power of plants we offer a Medicinal 1-Day Tour and a Medicinal 3-Day Tour. Both tours offer you a wonderful opportunity to deepen your connection to herbal medicine in a rich sensory experience in one of the most beautiful places on earth.

Coffee harvest in San Pedro runs from November through January and is an incredible time to tour the coffee fincas where you can learn all about coffee from tree to cup. Our Lake Atitlan Coffee Tour will introduce you to the coffee production process, from growing, harvesting, cleaning and drying the berries, roasting and finally to when it’s poured fresh into a cup.

Lake Atitlan Coffee Tour

Lake Atitlan Coffee Tour

San Pedro Lake Atitlan is located at the foot of San Pedro Volcano which provides a beautiful back drop for the village. For the adventurous San Pedro Volcano provides a wonderful opportunity to hike and see one of the most spectacular sunrises that the lake has to offer. For more information on Volcano tours visit

Grow Your Own Cure Tours.

Fun always awaits you in San Pedro.