See You In Guatemala

See You In Guatemala Perhaps you need a little Guatemala Perhaps you need a little Guatemala is the photo stories developed by: Ana de la Cerda.

See You In Guatemala

Perhaps you need a little Guatemala

Guatemala often has the media and social media attention about things that are bad in Guatemala. Perhaps you need a little Guatemala is a movement that tells the true story about Guatemala through the lens of a camera, presented on Facebook, Instagram and Tumbler.

Perhaps you need a little more than what you think you do…

By: Ana de la Cerda

Why? Simple answer, wanderlust. I grew up outside, playing every weekend at a coffee farm, playing without knowing where I was headed, but always having fun… As time goes by, the more I thank the Universe for the opportunity of growing up surrounded by nature, but it was not enough, it never is.

Now I’m a grownup (or so my ID says), with the heart and soul of a kid who wants to explore every corner of the world, every day possible. The city life is not for me…  I hate traffic, I hate mass consumption, my soul shouts through my body I need to go outside! For a while I’ve been doing just that.  I found a group of Guatemalan girls who feel the same way, and even if all of them are City Girls (I mean, who wears makeup for a hike, really?), we tend to travel around our country 2 weekends a month.

This group of people changed my life.  And after a couple adventures together, all I can say is thank you because even if I do tend to get out of my comfort zone all the time, they inspire me to wanderlust even more, in ways I didn’t know were possible.

Explore rivers? Well yeah! Promote Guate, why not?  Yeah, blog about our adventures is the fun part that helps me keep going when we go back to the city…  Become a Perhapser with my whole heart, that’s the goal.

Please follow and support this group on the following websites.


Authentic Guatemala Travel Supports Sustainable Tourism in Guatemala.

#seeyouinguatemala, #lakeatitlantours, #authenticguatemalatravel


1 reply
  1. admin-whereisguatemala
    admin-whereisguatemala says:

    Guatemala often has the media and social media attention about things that are bad in Guatemala. Perhaps you need a little Guatemala is a movement that tells the true story about Guatemala through the lens of a camera, presented on Facebook, Instagram and Tumbler.

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