Supermercado La Torre

Supermercado La Torre opens in Panajachel.

Supermercado La Torre grew from humble beginnings in 1950, Mr. Ernesto Ruiz Sáenz de Tejada bought a milk business, called Cremeria París, located on 7th avenue between 1st and 2nd streets in zone 9. As part of the business, he delivered dairy products by bicycle from home. Four in the morning.

Don Ernesto began to notice that his clients asked him for another type of products, mainly fruits and vegetables, so he decided to expand the range of products he offered and so he started selling fruits, vegetables and some groceries. Which today has grown into Supermercado La Torre.

Supermercado La Torre opened in Panajachel a few weeks ago with packed customers standing in line waiting to enter, compare prices with Despensa, Chalo’s and Sandra’s. The store was needed as Despensa for most will agree the choices and the waiting in long lines at the checkout can be tiring at times.

Despensa I feel will be the hardest hit by the arrival of Supermercado La Torre in Panajachel.

Supermercado La Torre

Supermercado La Torre

Chalo’s and Sandra’s they offer very different products and services.

Supermercado La Torre

Supermercado La Torre

Sandra’s kind of reminds me of a small New York Grocery store, deli products and a higher end huge Wine and Liquor selection. With 2 location in Panajachel Sandra’s more or less has the Tourist market covered.

Chalo’s finished a long overdue renovation would be the best way to describe it. Chalo most likely planned these change prior to the opening of Supermercado La Torre. Chalo’s has been a local market for as long as I have been in Pana. Lower priced quality Wine selection, local coffee from around Lake Atitlan, sausage from Tecpan, the best.

Supermercado La Torre

Supermercado La Torre

Supermercado La Torre being knew one would expect the presentation to be perfect. It is. Produce, Meats, Cheeses abound. Only Gallo Beer, Wine a different selection then offered by Sandra’s and Chalo’s. Overall some prices are higher, it all averages out.

Chalo’s and Sandra’s are locally owned, they have a personal touch I prefer to spend my money with. When you walk in the they great you with hello and by your first name. Something big chains lack. Just my opinion.

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