Panajachel is running out of water?

Panajachel is running out of water? Over the last two months more and more residential areas of Panajachel have no water. Or only have water supply part of the day and then it appears the water supply to homes is turn off. The result for many Panajachel  homeowners is to pay to have water hauled by tanker truck to their homes. At a cost from Q450 to Q100, depending on weather you used the Bombaro or the Muni Trucks. A tanker load of water will only last an average home and family a week.

Panajachel is running out of water?

Panajachel is running out of water?

Panajachel is running out of water?

No reply has come forth from the Muni about this issue of lack of water in areas of Panajachel. If you happen to have knowledge of this problem you would like to share in comments please do. If you want to comment just to complain please do not. Finding out what the problem of water supply is might help residence of Pana cope with this issue or offer a solution or hope.

Panajachel is running out of water?

Panajachel is the gateway to lake Atitlan for tourism as such providing water to the community is paramount. With the condition of Lake Atitlan water is always a topic of conversation on-line and in forums. Seven years after experts confirmed that Lake Atitlán in southwestern Guatemala was contaminated with cyanobacteria, which is harmful to people and animals, little has been done to clean up the picturesque tourist destination where many Guatemalans also earn a livelihood.

Panajachel municipality Mayor Abraham Mayén says, it’s not clear who will pay to maintain them. Panajachel has a wastewater treatment plant, Mayén says. But it only serves 45 percent of the municipality’s population of over 19,000, as of 2015 government data.

It costs about 100,000 quetzales ($13,028) per month to maintain the plant, but local people pay between five quetzales (65 cents) or 10 quetzales ($1.30) a month for the sewage system.