Travelers Needing Computer Repairs Guatemala
Travelers Needing Computer Repairs Guatemala. You are on your fabulous vacation in Central America you are in either Lake Atitlan, Antigua or Guatemala City and the computer won’t start, froze on start up, can’t log in or worse your computer is dead.
You are connected by Skype, e-mail accounts and your banking needs. What do you do to find help. This article is based on three situations I faced while living and traveling in Guatemala.
I have an Apple Laptop with those very special power cords you know the funny white box shaped device only good to connect an Apple Laptop.
Travelers Needing Computer Repairs Guatemala Lake Atitlan
I am living in Lake Atitlan and the that little Apple power cord box shorts out. Now that thing is glued and sealed like you cannot believe thus getting into it without destroying it well, you understand.
The hunt begins. Before the battery died and I searched the internet for an Apple Service and or Authorized Dealer in Guatemala. Well that was confusing so off we went to Panajachel the main town or village on the lake or the one with the largest American Influence. After asking a few taxi drivers we were directed to a little shop run by a dude from Australia.
Now this is not a service depot by any means for computers this is just a shop everyone knows of in Panajachel. Grupo Mayan Net owners Carlos looked at it and said come back in two days. Came back fixed was I relieved. Sorry I don’t remember his name or location other then his shop was down the street from where the old Pana Super Market was. Anyone will know.

Travelers Needing Computer Repairs Guatemala
Computer Repairs and Upgrades. Grupo Mayan Net Panajachel Guatemala
For technical help with hardware or software computer problems, contact Grupo Mayan Net our knowledgeable tech support reps by live chat, email, or phone. …
- Desktops, laptops, all-in-ones!
- Virus removal
- Slow computer
- Won’t switch on
- New computer setup
The second breakdown of my Apple Laptop happened again in Lake Atitlan. This was more of a critical death with then an hack repair. That little silver start button on the top of all Apple laptop’s broke some how fell inside the computer. I mean nothing but a hole and stuff hanging around it. Back to Panajachel to the Ausie no not for, him this looked like real repair time at an Authorized Apple Service Center.
Travelers Needing Computer Repairs Guatemala City

Travelers Needing Computer Repairs Guatemala
I had remembered when we had stayed in Guatemala City that close by the Holiday Inn and all the other main hotels we had walked by an Apple Computer Service Center. Off we head for a two hour drive from Panajachel to Guatemala City. Now this is a saturday morning we are planning to leave on tuesday to El Salvador, had the tickets everything. Off we go to Guatemala City.
We get to the Apple Service Center at 11:45 they close at 1:00 it is saturday. They agree to take a look the nice man one of the owners tells us it can be ready tuesday. I mean this guy had us if he wanted, we explained out situation and he went back into the service center came back out 20 minutes later with my Apple Laptop repaired.
I mean we would have thrown a fist full of money to get it fixed. No all he wanted was 200Q. For those of you without an Ipad or an Iphone from Apple to do the math about $15US. I will include the name and address of the Apple Authorized dealer in Guatemala in this post. ITEMS is the name in Guatemala City.
Travelers Needing Computer Repairs Guatemala Antigua

Travelers Needing Computer Repairs Guatemala
The next computer repair needs came in Antigua Guatemala well it was not a Apple repairs it was more making an Apple connection to the Internet. If you google computer repairs of parts in Antigua Guatemala well good luck. What we needed was an Internet cable.
We had just moved into our home in Antigua for the winter and Claro one of the telecom providers in Guatemala had installed our internet. Well they turned it on the rest was up to us.
Like get the cable from the wall to the computer and the wireless router. Easy right, rush right down to that local computer parts and repair center in Antigua and grab one of those blister packed Ethernet cables and plug that wireless router in so my Apple Laptop can have high speed Internet. Not.
Now we are ver familiar with Antigua and know lots of people, so off I went looking. Now I hit the cell phone stores, Claro who installed the Internet, they made me sit with a customer waiting number while seven customer service people looked at each other while the armed guard played with Claro cable TV. I left.
I did find this great place just a few block from Central Park that is Antigua landmark everyone references. As their web site states. “Conexion is a small and efficient company located in the heart of beautiful Antigua – a popular and frequented town in Guatemala”. 25 foot ethernet cable no problem come back in two hours.
Conexion Location Situated in La Fuente, a beautiful colonial-style house, we share a sunny outdoor patio and fountain with several other shops, including an art gallery and a restaurant. Located at 4ta Calle Oriente #14 we are just a few blocks west of Central Park on the North side.
Now you have my three solutions to getting your Apple or PC computer repaired while traveling in Guatemala Central America.