Voces de Nicaragua Nicaragua Voices

Voces de Nicaragua Nicaragua Voices

Voces de Nicaragua Nicaragua Voices. I’m mainly looking for Nicaraguan activists and protest organizers who have been repressed in the past few weeks.

Yesterday I wrote a blog about the unrest in Nicaragua hundreds responded. I reached out to the Washington Post through a friend. We can put you in direct contact with the Journalist. Just Facts Please not comments without purpose on Facebook. Spread the word…

Voces de Nicaragua Nicaragua Voices

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Voces de Nicaragua Nicaragua Voices

Principalmente estoy buscando activistas nicaragüenses y organizadores de protestas que han sido reprimidos en las últimas semanas. Ayer escribí un blog sobre los disturbios en Nicaragua, respondieron cientos de personas. Algunos con los estúpidos comentarios de Facebook. Me comuniqué con el Washington Post a través de un amigo. Podemos ponerlo en contacto directo con el periodista. Hechos justos Por favor, no comentarios sin propósito. Difundir la palabra…

 Voces de Nicaragua Nicaragua Voices

#Anonymous #Anónimo

Voces de Nicaragua Nicaragua Voices

Voces de Nicaragua | Nicaragua Voices

The departure of the mothers on Wednesday night ended in a bloodbath. The repression of the regime of Daniel Ortega to the mobilization that in Managua gathered hundreds of thousands of Nicaraguans left at least 15 dead and 200 injured and that raise to more than a hundred the number of deaths in a month and a half.

In the midst of an increasingly tense climate, the Nicaraguan Bishops’ Conference (CEN) announced that it will not resume dialogue in search of a way out of the crisis the country is going through while “the people continue to be repressed and killed.” The announcement comes after a violent day, in which according to reports of human rights organizations killed 15 people in the cities of Managua, Leon and Masaya.

The Secretary General of the Organization of American States (OAS), Luis Almagro, in a video published on the web, condemned “the murders” on Wednesday and after expressing solidarity with the families of the victims, called on the state to “stop the violence of these repressive factors. “

In Managua, the day of Wednesday left scenes of panic, when the multitudinous opposition march arrived at the Central American University (UCA) and had to seek refuge in nearby shops and the Cathedral due to the shooting of the security forces and groups related to the government Daniel Ortega and Rosario Murillo, who shortly before said he would not leave office.
