Lake Atitlan Sunrise Sunset Tour

Lake Atitlan Sunrise Sunset Tour, in the Highlands of Guatemala is the deepest lake in Central America and one of the most beautiful lakes in the world.  From villages that dot the shoreline to the stunning and awe-inspiring mountains and volcanoes Lake Atitlan will surely take your breath away.

Lake Atitlan Sunrise Sunset Tour

Recently I visited Lake Atitlan and partook in a Lake Atitlan Sunrise Sunset Tour. It was absolutely worth getting up when it was still dark and then trekking up the volcano. The first half of the climb was relatively easy with the second half more difficult.  It’s a continuous climb with the path being rocky and sandy alternately.

Lake Atitlan Sunrise Sunset Tour

The view from the summit is fantastic.  The dawn, sunrise and post sunrise view of Lake Atitlan, the villages, and the Sierra Madre mountain range is unforgettable.

Lake Atitlan Sunrise Sunset Tour

And then there was the boat ride across the lake.  The shores of Lake Atitlan are still today a succession of small villages with the vast majority of the residents of the villages being indigenous, descending from the Maya.  Women wear the traditional traje of a hand-made weaving called a huipil and a long skirt, wrapped around the waist. Men wear cowboy hats, traditional clothing, and carry bags that have been crocheted.

The lake is bathed in sunlight with the water glistening blue against a backdrop of three volcanoes that line the southern shores—Atitlan, Toliman and San Pedro.  As incredible as it was to see the lake from the summit of San Pedro Volcano it is equally as stunning to view the mountains and volcanoes from the vantage point of a boat in the middle of the lake.

Once I had checked into my hotel in Pana and grabbed a bite to eat it was time to continue with the sunset portion of the tour.

After taking a shuttle to the summit on the Santa Catarina side of the lake we viewed the brilliantly colored pink sunset as it slowly disappeared behind the San Pedro Volcano.

Lake Atitlan Sunrise Sunset Tour

This was such an awesome tour.   The Lake Atitlan Sunrise Sunset Tour is something that you can’t miss!

— Abby Cole

Lake Atitlan Tours

Lake Atitlan Tours offers authentic, customized and affordable tours in the Lake Atitlan, Guatemala area that give you unique opportunities to experience first-hand some of the great traditional aspects of Guatemala highland life and culture.

For more information on Lake Atitlan Sunrise Sunset Tour and Lake Atitlan Tours visit Lake Atitlan Tours.

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