Coronavirus Guatemala | Travel Updates

Coronavirus Guatemala | Travel Updates. President Alejandro Giammattei announced that they prepare the necessary measures to control any contagion of Covid-19 since it is “a matter of days or weeks” that this virus can reach Guatemala.

“We have taken the measures at our borders, we have increased the list of countries where people cannot come to Guatemala if they have less than 15 days of having been in that country, these are measures that have made us not have right now, but we believe that it will reach us, in how long? It will be a matter of days, weeks and the least is to prepare for the disease,” said the president.


Corona Virus Guatemala

Corona Virus Guatemala Travel updates

Coronavirus Guatemala | Travel Updates

Airlines worldwide have engaged in helping control the Coronavirus by limited individuals in infected countries from travel. Part of Guatemala preventive measures is the number of countries from which people cannot travel to Guatemala has increased.

Guatemala announced new travel restrictions, saying anyone who had been to China, Italy, or Korea in the past 15 days will be prevented from reaching the country.

2019–20 coronavirus outbreak facts

The 2019–20 coronavirus outbreak is an ongoing “very high” risk outbreak of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) that has spread to multiple world regions. It is caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, first identified in December 2019 in Wuhan, China.

As of 29 February 2020, more than 85,000 cases have been confirmed in 62 territories, of which 8,000 were classified as serious. At least 2,900 deaths have been attributed to the disease and more than 39,000 people have recovered. The risk of it spreading further is very high.

Guatemala is a country well prepared to deal with the coronavirus, Guatemala health system while fragile in remote areas, in the populated areas the health systems are strong. For Travelers considering Guatemala as a safe travel destination, the country welcomes all travelers from None Restricted Countries.