Semana Santa in Antigua

Fond Memories of Semana Santa in Antigua. My home in Antigua was finally finished and ready for that years tourist season. While my life remained unsettled in many ways this house brought comfort, having wondered since my wife’s death this was a time of being home for once. It had been a very long time. Anna had moved on, while we remained in contact, I did not feel alone.

Semana Santa in Antigua

Semana Santa in Antigua

I slept in every bedroom, moved furniture around and the house became me. Andrea and Sabina cared for my every need. Andrea would guard the house at night. Sabina would spent time with Andrea to translate my every request. In time we all had this amazing harmony between us. It filled my heart with joy.

The house quickly became a stop off for Antonio and his guests heading for Lake Atitlan and Gabriel continued to provide guests for the house. Often due to my lack of organizational skills the house would be over booked. I would stay with Manuela at her little apartment. We slept in the same bed together. Without the idea of a sexual encounter. We had been through a lot together over the years.

As Semana Santa in Antigua approached Antonio contacted me about 4 ladies from Texas, some messed up deal with another travel group and they needed rooms for a few days. Antonio was to pick them up at the Airport and they would arrive early evening.

The ladies arrived for Semana Santa in Antigua with a house full of activity. Did my greeting of the ladies and got them settled in the house and asked them to join the rest of the activities.

One of the Ladies joined me in the kitchen and offered help if I needed. We talked for a long time only to find out I lived only a few miles away from her in a life that appeared to be centuries in my past. The activities came to an end.

Semana Santa in Antigua

Antigua Guatemala Semana Santa 2017

Everyone was settling in Antonio was about to camp out on the living room couch and as I turned around these big blue eye were staying right at me. “I cannot sleep”. I spent most of the night talking with blue eyes. She was very open and interesting. At long last I crawled into bed at 4:00 in the morning.

Up early and unknown to me Antonio had promised the ladies a tour that day. Off we went to the top of a Volcano, 30 plus stuffed in a Van. The ladies loved it. Antonio dumped us and I was left with the Ladies for the rest of the day.

Semana Santa in Antigua

Antigua Guatemala Semana Santa 2017

Okay chicken bus ride and shopping for cowboy boots might fill in time? I remember on the chicken bus I reaching over to address a Mayan woman with a child and to have that sniff of baby. Looking up I see blues eyes looking right at me. Boot shopping was fun, woman wondering from shop to shop, always asking if I was bored.

The day ended and I was in need of sleep. Blue eyes appeared again and we talked and talked. The next day they left for Lake Atitlan. Not to return till Semana Santa staying at a different house. Blues eyes touched my heart. I knew better then to pursue her. She would be gone soon and had a life.

Antonio had made plans with the ladies to join my guests for Semana Santa in Antigua. I was excited to see blue eyes. I felt like I was 16, what to do? I made calls to Antonio to see how they were doing. Mostly for blue eyes. The eve of Semana Santa in Antigua was chaotic on the streets of  Antigua. Not to mention keeping track of 19 guests of all ages.

As the evening wore on guests became tired and I ended up alone with blue eyes. She was dressed in black. We wondered the streets looking at the Carpets being created. For some reason I asked to hold her hand. I was done, her touch was, her heart in my hand.