Lake Atitlan Volcano Tour

Lake Atitlan Volcano Tour One Day Adventure. I reached out to this tour company, and Kara quickly helped coordinate a hike for me the following weekend. I met my guide, Henry, very early on a Sunday morning – 4:30 a.m. I definitely recommend going as early as possible.

Lake Atitlan Volcano Tour

We hiked by flashlight, and for me, it was best not to see very far ahead and get discouraged by the never-ending incline! I enjoyed watching the sunlight gradually seep in through the trees. There are only a couple points along the way where there’s a large enough clearing to see the lake and surrounding mountains. But this helped build suspense for what was to come…. When we reached the top, the view was spectacular! Truly worth every step.

Henry and I rested and he shared the history of the lake and volcanoes. A steep ascent makes for a steep descent, but at least it goes much faster! Henry was an excellent guide. I felt very comfortable being by myself with him, and he was very respectful.

His great attitude kept it FUN even when it was tough, and he’s happy to pause for pictures or answer any questions about your surroundings. I’m so pleased with the way Kara and Henry took care of me from start to finish, making this an excellent experience and one I absolutely recommend!

Lake Atitlan Volcano Tour One Day Adventure.

Volcán San Pedro (or Las Yeguas) (3,020 metres (9,908 ft)) is a stratovolcano on the shores of Lago de Atitlán, in the Sololá Department of northern Guatemala. At its base is the village of San Pedro La Laguna.

Lace up your hiking boots, strap on your camera, and join us on an incredible day long journey of a lifetime that you will not soon forget.  We have blazed a trail for the ultimate Lake Atitlan Volcano Tour.  Leave the stress, demands, and pressures of civilization behind and immerse yourself in the magnificent beauty of lush tropical forests as you walk and climb along paths to ascend to the summit where you will become so completely mesmerized and awe-struck by the natural beauty that surrounds you.

Lake Atitlan Volcano Tour One Day Adventure.

Yes, we know that hiking is about the journey and not the destination, but when there is a view like you have never seen before, a view that connects you with everything around you, a view that takes your breath away, a view that is so stunning and awe-inspiring that it gives you a new appreciation for the land­—it’s past, present, and future then in this case it’s about both the journey and the destination.

Lake Atitlan Volcano Tour

Lake Atitlan Volcano Tour One Day Adventure

We can tell you from experience that each hike brings new challenges, excitement, and extraordinary feelings of accomplishment as you stand on the summit looking at the whole world below you.  Here is YOUR “pinch me moment”, that moment where you feel an almost out-of-body experience, that moment where you can’t believe what you are actually feeling, living, and seeing, where it feels like a dream.

As the saying goes, and we believe this wholeheartedly, “Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take your breath away”.  These are the moments in life that leave footprints on your heart.

1 reply
  1. admin
    admin says:

    We can tell you from experience that each hike brings new challenges, excitement, and extraordinary feelings of accomplishment as you stand on the summit looking at the whole world below you. Here is YOUR “pinch me moment”, that moment where you feel an almost out-of-body experience, that moment where you can’t believe what you are actually feeling, living, and seeing, where it feels like a dream.

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