Guatemala Travel Reviews 2017 Fantastic Medicine Tour Experience

Guatemala Travel Reviews 2017 Fantastic Medicine Tour Experience. The medicinal tour in Lake Atitlan was a great learning and cultural experience.

Guatemala Travel Reviews 2017 Fantastic Medicine Tour Experience

Guatemala Travel Reviews 2017 Fantastic Medicine Tour Experience

Guatemala Travel Reviews 2017 Fantastic Medicine Tour Experience

Our medical group met up with our guides in Panajachel and first went by boat to San Marcos where we met a local doctor who grows all of his products in a garden at his clinic.

We sampled tea and learned about the healing properties of the different plants. Next we sailed to San Pedro and met with a Mayan healer.

It was very interesting learning not just about plants, but about Mayan beliefs, history, and culture surrounding health.

Our boat captain Poncho was wonderful, and our guides Kara and Jim were very knowledgeable.

I highly recommend this tour of this breathtakingly beautiful area to anyone who is interested in health or culture.


Ja L (May, 2016)