Lake Atitlan ATM Machines Banks

Lake Atitlan ATM Machines Banks

Lake Atitlan ATM Machines and Banks, Lake Atitlan has numerous ATM Machines at Banks in different Villages, Most travelers will need to use Lake Atitlan ATM Machines and Banks at some point during their trip. Lake Atitlan ATM Machines Banks are safe.

Withdrawing money from an ATM machine or cajero automatico is the most common and the simplest method for travelers to access their funds while visiting Lake Atitlan Guatemala. The local currency in Guatemala is the Quetzal. Keep in mind that a lot of the villages around the Lake do not have ATM machines so you will want to make sure that you visit the ATM machines in Panajachel.

Lake Atitlan ATM Machines and Banks

Lake Atitlan Banks Guatemala charges for withdrawing money from your home bank accounts, withdrawal rates vary depending on your bank. Also, the ATMs are limited to how much you can withdraw per transaction, often 260 USD or 2000 Quetzales.

Lake Atitlan ATM Machines Banks

Lake Atitlan ATM

In Panajachel Lake Atitlan you can find ATM machines at the following locations.

  • There are two ATM machines located inside the door of the Dispensa Familia grocery store. One of the ATM’s is a Banco Industrial cajero and the other is a 5B cajero. Dispensa Familia is located near the intersection of Calle Rancho Grande and Calle Principal. Their hours of operation are from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm.
  • Banrural Bank has an ATM machine located to the right of their front door. The bank is located beside the Catholic Church near the market on Calle la Iglesia and Calle del Rastro.
  • There is also an ATM machine located across from Café Atlantis and next to Sarita ice cream. This is located where Calle Principal and Avenida Los Arboles merge.
  • Comercial El Dorado has located a ½ block from the above-mentioned ATM and also has an ATM located inside. When you walk in the door continues straight and then looks to your right. This ATM is connected with Banco Industrial.
  • The main street in Panajachel is Avenida Santander. There are two ATM machines located on this Avenida. The first is located about halfway down the street from Pana Rock. This is the only ATM in Panajachel that dispenses both dollars and quetzals. The other ATM on Avenida Santander is located at Banco Industrial and is 2 blocks down, towards the Lake, from the ATM located across from Pana Rock.

Lake Atitlan ATM Machines Banks

If you have Euros, Dollars, or Pesos and need them exchanged to Quetzales we recommend the following banks in Panajachel Lake Atitlan.

  • Banco Agromercantil, also known as BAM bank, located on Avenida Santander and Calle Principal.
  • Banrural Bank is located beside the Catholic Church on Calle la Iglesia and Calle del Rastro.
  • Banco Industrial located at 4-05 Zona 2 on Avenida Santander.

Lake Atitlan Banks, as a note many of the ATMs are often empty during holiday time, so don’t wait until the last moment to hit the ATM.

List Of Lake Atitlan Banks

Banco Agromercantil
Banco Industrial
Banco de América Central, S.A.
Banco de Desarrollo Rural
Banco de los Trabajadores
Banco G&T Continental
Banco Reformador
Banco International