Lake Atitlan Guatemala Wedding Planners

Lake Atitlan Guatemala Sunsets, I have traveled the world and I have yet to find any place that can rival the sunsets that take place in Lake Atitlan, Guatemala.

The colors of the eye-catching sunsets not only vary from month to month, but they also vary from week to week and night tonight.

Lake Atitlan Guatemala Sunsets

Lake Atitlan Guatemala Sunsets

Lake Atitlan Guatemala Sunsets Are Colorful Sunsets

I have often read that dust and pollution cause colorful sunsets and indeed this seems to be true.  In my five years of living at Lake Atitlan, I have found that November, December, and January produce some of the most majestic and colorful sunsets.


Lake Atitlan Guatemala Sunsets

Lake Atitlan Guatemala Sunsets

This is also the time of year that is considered windy season in the Lake Atitlan area.  The conditions with the hot dry winds bring dust particles and contribute to spectacular and colorful sunsets.

This is also the time year that the sugar cane field burning is carried out before harvesting the cane.  The burning of the cane puts a lot of airborne dust and smoke in the atmosphere that enhances the sunsets and gives off a pink and yellow hue.


Lake Atitlan Guatemala Sunsets

Lake Atitlan Guatemala Sunset

The rest of the year also produces dazzling displays of color during sunsets.

In my time at the lake, I have also witnessed the fiery orange and red sunsets that have occurred after Volcano Fuego erupted.  Although Volcano Fuego is located in Antigua, Guatemala which is about 55 miles from the lake, the ash plume that was spewed consisted of gas, dust, and an ash called aerosols and was sent up 10,000 of thousands of feet into the air.

The dust and ash were then carried by winds over the lake and created some amazing sunsets.

Sunsets San Pedro Volcano

When there are clouds on or near the horizon and clear skies below the horizon line this allows the scattered red light from the sun to light up the underside of the cloud and the mountains and volcanoes are an incredible “foreground element” that takes your breath away.

The roads for the adventurous lead to Guatemala where the country will dazzle you, the people will charm you, and the sunsets will mesmerize you.