Guatemala is a Country in Central America. Guatemala is a constitutional democratic republic whereby the President of Guatemala is both head of state and head of government, and of a multi-party system.




Cryptocurrency Scam or Computer Game BothLake Atitlan Tours
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Cryptocurrency Scam or Computer Game Both

Cryptocurrency Scam or Computer Game Both The current craze for CryptoCurrency Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH) for example purposes I will attempt to explain for those interested in investing.
A Mask from Sandra’s Market Panajachel. No this is not another post about wear a mask, social distance, sanitize and now vaccines. This mask was a pure act of kindness by Sandra the owner of the marketLake Atitlan Tours
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A Mask from Sandra’s Market Panajachel

A Mask from Sandra’s Market Panajachel. No this is not another post about wear a mask, social distance, sanitize and now vaccines. This mask was a pure act of kindness by Sandra the owner of the market
Nightlife Panajachel

Looking For Nightlife Panajachel Has It All

Panajachel Nightlife, while Lake Atitlan may be known for its spectacular scenery, hiking, and indigenous culture. Panajachel has safe and a fun nightlife which includes wondering the streets of Pana and meeting new friends.
Hiking Smart
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Hiking Smart Around Lake Atitlan be Prepared

Hiking Smart Around Lake Atitlan be Prepared. You are standing at the summit of San Pedro Volcano or the Mirador on Lake Atitlan's Upper Rim. The stunning views from the summit make the strenuous ascent all worthwhile. However, in order to enjoy your Lake Atitlan Hiking experience you need to plan ahead.
500 miles around Lake Atitlan
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I Walked 500 Miles Around Lake Atitlan Guatemala

Whew, you heard it correct, Walked 500 Miles Around Lake Atitlan Guatemala. And to think its approximately 55 kilometers around Lake Atitlan
Guatemala Impact Sustainable Travel & Ecotourism
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Guatemala Impact Sustainable Travel

Guatemala Impact Sustainable Travel & Ecotourism. Sustainable tourism is the concept of visiting a place as a tourist and trying to make only a positive impact on the environment, society and economy.
Why Live in GuatemalaLake Atitlan Tours
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Why Live in Guatemala

Why Live in Guatemala is a question many of my friends living in the United States still ask me after all my years of living in Guatemala.
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Best 5 Antigua Guatemala Hotels

Antigua Guatemala Hotels. My “Best 5 Antigua Guatemala Hotels” in the following categories are: Best “Get Your Garden On” Antigua Guatemala Hotel: Quinta de las Flores (Country House of Flowers) easily wins this category. Staying…
January Weather Forecast Guatemala 2021Lake Atitlan Tours

January Weather Forecast Guatemala 2021

January Weather Forecast Guatemala 2021 Lake Atitlan Guatemala is upon us for Lake Atitlan and most parts of Guatemala.
Semana Santa Antigua Guatemala

Semana Santa Antigua Guatemala

Semana Santa Antigua Guatemala 2021 I decided to revive this post for 2021 in hopes of COVID we can celebrate the spectacle of Semana Santa Antigua Guatemala 2021.