Of the Lake Atitlan Villages, there are 5 that are the Tourist Hubs for Lake Atitlan.  Lake Atitlan is surrounded by 11 villages, Maya culture is still prevalent and traditional dress is worn.

lake atitlan villages

Lake Atitlan Boat Tours

The Maya people of Lake the are Tz’utujil and Kakchiquel.  The Kakchiquel initially allied themselves with the invaders to defeat their historic enemies the Tz’utujil and Quiché Maya

Panajachel is the Gateway into Lake Atitlan. There are three main areas of the town with the central part, Barrio Norte to the north and over the San Francisco River, Jucanya.

San San Juan for Art and Natural Mayan Textile Weaving. San Pedro for Volcano Hiking. Santiago Atitlan for History of the Guatemala Civil War. Santa Catarina Palopo is a cultural village with amazing Artistic Painting of the Towns Square and Buildings.

Santiago Atitlan is the best known of the lakeside villages and is noted for its worship of Maximón


Guateburger Arrives In Panajachel

Guateburger arrives in Panajachel. Within a few days across from Chalos market in Pana a new burger joint appeared. With the amount of local restaurants in Pana, I am not sure if we really need another fast food chain competing against the local…
Eco Hotel San Juan La Laguna Uxlabil Atitlan

Eco Hotel San Juan La Laguna Uxlabil Atitlan

Eco Hotel San Juan La Laguna Uxlabil Atitlan, while San Juan La Laguna is one of the smaller villages around Lake Atitlan, in recent years it has been evolving into a sophisticated painting, weaving, and art haven. With women’s weaving…
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Hotel Pa Muelle San Juan La Laguna

With a stay at Hotel Pa Muelle San Juan La Laguna you will be right in the heart of San Juan La Laguna known for its friendly Tz'utujil Maya indigenous population and their traditional weaving, coffee fincas, unique and exceptional painting…
Panajachel Guatemala Restaurante Hana
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Panajachel Guatemala Restaurante Hana

Panajachel Guatemala Restaurante Hana, having lived in the Lake Atitlan, Guatemala area for the last four years, we have eaten our way down most of the calles, avenidas, and callejons and what we have found is that Panjachel can be a foodie…
Panajachel Salvadorean Pupusas
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Panajachel Salvadorean Pupusas

Panajachel Salvadorean Pupusas, so I admit it the quickest way to my heart is through my stomach.  I love trying new foods and I am always on the lookout for a new place to grab some food and drink. A pupusa is a traditional Salvadoran dish…
San Marcos Lake Atitlan

San Marcos Festival of Consciousness

San Marcos Festival of Consciousness, don’t miss out on all the fun.  The Festival of Consciousness is coming back to San Marcos, Lake Atitlan the weekend of March 17-21, 2016. The festival is designed to expand one’s mind by presenting…
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Cafe El Artesano San Juan La Laguna

One of the best kept secrets around Lake Atitlan is the Cafe El Artesano Wine and Cheese Restaurant. We came across this restaurant when we were hiking in San Juan La Laguna about 4 years ago.
Lake Atitlan Restaurants
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Lake Atitlan Restaurants 5 Best

Lake Atitlan Restaurants The 5 Best Restaurants Around the Lake, travelers arriving to Lake Atitlan always want to know where they should eat.  The following is our recommendations naming our top 5 Lake Atitlan Restaurants or Bars. The list…
San Pedro Village Lake Atitlan Guatemala
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San Pedro La Laguna Lake Atitlan

San Pedro La Laguna Lake Atitlan, one of my favorite villages that dot the shores of Lake Atitlan is San Pedro La Laguna.  San Pedro La Laguna is one of the larger villages on the Lake with a population of 10,000 people.  It is located on…
Santiago Lake AtitlanLake Atitlan Tours

Santiago Lake Atitlan Tour Details

Santiago Lake Atitlan Tour, adventure awaits you in Lake Atitlan Guatemala. “Grow Your Own Cure” invites you to discover Santiago Lake Atitlan Guatemalan located in the highlands of the Sierra Madre mountain range and discover more about traditional Mayan culture.