Google Search

Etsy has 54 million users, 1.4 million of these Etsy users are active sellers. Meaning competition for attention in this crowded space for Hand Made or Hand Crafted Products.

In this article we are going to give you the no guff, no bull, straight answers on how your products can be found in Search Engines.

We are going to discuss the following areas:

Google My Business

Etsy sellers are for the most part virtual storefronts. Meaning many do not actually have a storefront.

Discover how your business can capitalize on Google My Business’s free business listing and start reaching new customers even without a website.

We use Google my Business and have found this is the single most Powerful listing tool on the Market. The steps are simple to add your business which will improve your overall Google Search result placement by 60%.

Google Webmaster Tools.

  • On the Etsy help forms one will find numerous discussions about having your site verified in Google Webmaster tools. For most none Etsy stores like Woo Commerce all the tools exist to add specific code from Google Webmaster tools for site verification.
  • Without your site being verified in Google Webmaster Tools you cannot use take advantage of Google Webmaster Tools and Google Analytics.


  • The trick is simple for verification. Google has what is called a HTML verification step. In simple terms you download a line of code and add it to your website and in WebMaster Tools you hit verify simple. Not the case for Etsy users well actually it is very simple.
  • Google asks for verification to ensure only one fact you own the site you are asking Google to add to Webmaster Tools.
  • Download the code to your desktop, create a new product, in the copy area ad d the HTML code. Publish the product. Go back to Webmaster Tools and Hit Verify and Google will find this code. Simple.

Now you will also then be able to connect Google Analytic.

Images and Graphics

Clean Crisp Images and Graphics sell products. A MISTAKE made by many in using Graphics in Etsy is that the Images Titles are not related to the product or are the names that came off the Camera used. Like DCA 2345. In this example we have a . That is the name associated with the Image for the product.



Copy for your Product

Keep the copy for the product without words like, Stunning, Amazing, Incredible. When was the last time you sat down to buy something and you typed in Stunning Green HandMade Tote Bag.

The point title products based on what a consumer would type in to find said product that is the first step.

Copy that describes the product. Use H2 Tags where possible. You can also create H2 Tags using Word in your copy.

. That is the name associated with the Image for the product.

  • The Guatemalan Indigenous Culture is know World Wide for Producing Backstrap Woven Organic Products passed on from their Mayan Heritage.
  • This Green HandMade Tote Bag is representative of the high quality, Machine Washable, Stain Resistant Fabrics.
  • The Cotton used for this Tote Bag has been dyed using on Herbs.

You get my point.


The biggest mistake those selling on-line make is KEYWORDS or the lack of understanding how to use them. My best example is I am selling handmade bottles. The obvious is use the keywords handmade bottles. Most humans will type in when looking for such a product, “12 once, red handmade bottles”.

Titles, Tags and Categories. Titles Categories and Tags are searchable in all Search Engines.

This is where many Etsy users make HUGE mistakes in defining products.

If my Image is Green HandMade Tote Bag, in my copy I have, Organic, Machine Washable, Stain Resistant, Backstrap Woven, HandMade, Green, GUATEMALA, Tote Bag.

I have consistency, TITLE, COPY, CATEGORIES, TAGS.

Social Media Use.

  • Facebook and Instagram statistically are the best platforms to improve your Etsy product listing, better Search Placement in Search Engines. Pinterest to be honest we use it however have never sold or booked a product from Pinterest.
  • Once you have your product correctly titled, tagged, categories and posted in Etsy then you should add your product in Facebook.
  • Facebook has what is called Groups that is how this post has landed on this Etsy Facebook Group it was shared. Searching Facebook groups you can find hundred of buy sell Artisan Groups and others that you can share your new product post from Etsy.
  • Instagram post the product, link back to your Etsy Store and use the #’s Green HandMade Tote Bag, Organic, Machine Washable, Stain Resistant, Backstrap Woven, HandMade, Green, GUATEMALA, Tote Bag.

For questions shoot us an e-mail. Would be glad to help.