What’s up in Guatemala for the Holidays?
What’s up in Guatemala for the Holidays?
The holiday season in Guatemala is amazing, first for travelers is our weather. Escape the blizzards of the US and enjoy sunny warm days in the high 70’s with cool and confrontable nights for sleeping.

Guatemala Chicken bus decorated for Christmas
Many travelers have asked about shuttle services, boat services around Lake Atitlan during the holidays. All services will operate on a regular schedule without interruption. Guatemala is a safe travel destination and the Guatemala Holiday season is high season.
Christmas in Guatemala filled with local cultural expressions and celebrations for the Holiday season. In most villages and major cities, guests will find huge Christmas trees.

Guatemala for the Holidays
The 2019 Gallo Tree Festival fills the streets with lights, color, and joy in one of the most beautiful times of the year. For several weeks, you will be able to visit this space as a family, so you can! Do not miss it.
One unique characteristic of Guatemalan Nativity scenes is the use of sawdust dyed in many bright colors. On Christmas Eve, families celebrate together and eat the main Christmas meal. It is made of several traditional dishes, but it always includes some Guatemalan tamales. At midnight, fireworks are part of the holiday tradition.
Antigua has offered a spectacular midnight fireworks display supported by local residence firing off hundreds of fireworks at midnight.

Celebrating Christmas in Guatemala – Typical Guatemalan Fireworks Stand
Lake Atitlan is amazing, find yourself a place along the shores of the Lake, and watch in amazement as all villages around the lake light up the skies with fireworks displays. Most last 20 minutes or longer. Panajachel offers a great display from the shores.
Among the most popular foods found for dinner on Christmas Eve are Christmas tamales, red tamales, and black tamales, turkey for main dishes, apples, and grapes are a compliment to the meal.
Church services are part of the Christmas Eve celebrations before midnight. Most Guatemala Churches decorate for Christmas, another experience for travelers worth taking part in, no matter your religious beliefs.

Guatemala Church decorated
That is What’s up in Guatemala for the Holidays