My Lake Atitlan Hiking Experience

My Lake Atitlan Hiking Experience


At 64 I consider myself in pretty good shape for my age this is my Lake Atitlan Hiking experience. I was interested in hiking the Highlands of Guatemala which encompasses the area around Lake Atitlan. At first, I looked at hiking the volcanoes around the lake.

Hiking San Pedro Volcano I had my eye on, also Indian Nose in San Juan was on my bucket list. Using Trip Advisor, Lonely Planet, and other online sources I investigated my bucket list of hiking experiences I wanted to achieve while at the lake.

Lake Atitlan Hiking

Lake Atitlan offers a variety of Hiking Experiences from easy to difficult.

A few considerations for my bucket list were not taken into consideration. Altitude was the first. “Atitlan” means “at the water” not the altitude of 5,125 feet. Quite the change for my aging body from living at sea level and now not quite at a mile high standing on the shores of Lake Atitlan.

The acclimation to altitude is one point to consider which most kind of forget until they find themselves 3 hours into climbing San Pedro Volcano which takes one to an altitude of 9,908′ at the summit.

My Lake Atitlan Hiking Experience

My Lake Atitlan Hiking Experience

The lake is like a large bowl. The steep Upper Rim area around the Lake offers a great starting point for those that first arrive with the great ambition of climbing a Volcano.

I talked with many guides and tour operators on the main street in Panajachel which is the main village or town on the lake. All roads lead to Pana as it is called by the locals.

My Lake Atitlan Hiking Experience

My Lake Atitlan Hiking Experience

I met with James one of the tour company owners and guides and we discussed options on hikes and she suggested we start with the Upper Rim. With my eye still on San Pedro Volcano as the ultimate goal, I agreed that perhaps this was a good training hike, acclimate to the altitude, and get an idea of hiking the lake.

James and I met at 7:00 in the morning to hike the San Antonio Palopo to Santa Catarina Palopo trails from Godinez down into the village of Santa Catarina Palopo. We left from Pana and road in a van to the summit of Godinez and began to walk down the mountain. I found myself looking straight across the lake up higher than along the shoreline which offered a 180-degree view of the lake.

The 3-hour hike all down the hill did not kill me, however, I felt it that evening as I rested my old bones and tired muscles. I wanted more and talked to James about another hike option in a few days.

Hiking the Higlands of Guatemala

Guatemala Highlands offers hiking around Lake Atitlan


James suggested the San Marcos to Santa Cruz hike, which is on the opposite side of the lake from the Santa Catarina Palopo area. This hike was as she explained harder and we needed to take our time along some of the trails.

We left Pana at 6:30 in the morning and took a boat to San Marcos and began our hike. This hike had far more up and down, climbing and scaling rock ledges.

We hiked through San Marcos to Tzununa, up the hillside to Jaibalito, and finally to Santa Cruz. This hike of the Upper Rim placed us looking across the Lake to San Lucas Toliman which offered a very different view of the lake. This hike whipped my butt.  It was great but, that night the old bones screamed, needless to say, there was no volcano hike for this body.

Lake Atitlan Tours were the only tour group that offered these hikes. I found out sitting at the local water hole in Pana, the Palapa Bar, that Volcano Tours will not matter what shape you are will be a challenge.  Lake Atitlan Tours and Travel Services offers unique tours geared for your age, fitness level, skills, and interests. A 5-star hiking experience.

—Joe B.



