Guatemala is a Country in Central America. Guatemala is a constitutional democratic republic whereby the President of Guatemala is both head of state and head of government, and of a multi-party system.




Panajachel Best Hamburger

Panajachel Best Hamburger | 27A Burger Joint

Panajachel Best Hamburger | 27A Burger Joint, there is a burger joint in Panajachel Lake Atitlan that serves up the best hamburgers in the area.  They specialize in creative burgers that will delight any burger aficionado.  Located in the…
Phosphate Free Detergents Lake Atitlan Guatemala
Guatemala the Impact Of Sustainable Travel & Ecotourism

Lake Atitlan Garbage Clean Up Begins

Lake Atitlan Garbage Clean Up Begins. The Highlands of Guatemala has a documented garbage problem. For decades, trash has been simply dumped on the ground and untreated sewage has been diverted into neighboring waterways leading into Lake Atitlan.
Lake Atitlan Semana Santa 2017

Lake Atitlan Semana Santa 2017

Lake Atitlan Semana Santa 2017, Guatemala is a country steeped in great history and traditions, with a vibrant indigenous culture, stunning and awe-inspiring mountains and volcanoes, it is a region of the world that offers a plethora of diversity…
Lake Atitlan Guatemala Marathon 2017

Lake Atitlan Guatemala Marathon 2017

Lake Atitlan Guatemala Marathon 2017, the Atitlan Marathon 2017 is a two day event to be held Saturday, April 29th and Sunday, April 30th, 2017.  If your idea of the perfect vacation involves running a marathon in one of the most beautiful…
Panajachel Guatemala Restaurante Hana
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Panajachel Guatemala Restaurante Hana

Panajachel Guatemala Restaurante Hana, having lived in the Lake Atitlan, Guatemala area for the last four years, we have eaten our way down most of the calles, avenidas, and callejons and what we have found is that Panjachel can be a foodie…
Lake Atitlan Website Design ProfessionalsGrow your own cure

Lake Atitlan Website Design Professionals

Lake Atitlan Website Design Professionals In making a decision about your Business Website you need to consider hiring a professional organization. Our team of developers have produced websites for clients from Nicaragua to Canada. Cigars, to…
Guatemala Tour ServicesGuatemala Tour Services

Alex Ferrar Antigua Artist and Chef of Sobremesa

Having lived in Guatemala, I have seen many restaurants come in Antigua… and go... Alex Ferrar – Antigua Artist and Chef of Sobremesa is one of those special places that will be in Antigua forever...we all hope.
The Village of San Juan Lake Atitlan

Exposición de Arte del Lago Atitlan/ Juntando Arte y Cultura

Exposición de Arte del Lago Atitlan/ Juntando Arte y Cultura. En la Galería de Arte de Jenna en Panajachel estamos felices de anunciar la apertura de una exposición dedicado a los artistas alrededor del Lago Atitlan. La exposición abre el…
Pupusas, Corn Tamales, Rellenitos de Plátano, Elote and Chuchitos

Lake Atitlan Comedor Tipico

Lake Atitlan Comedor Tipico one of our favorite things to do when we travel to a new country is sample the local cuisine.  For us trying the food is one of the great ways to experience a new place and an important part of the travel experience. A Comedor…