Ethical Fashion Guatemala Textile Co-Operatives follow the Ancient Maya tradition of weaving in which the women had two natural types of cotton to work with, one white and the other light brown, called coruscate, both of which were commonly dyed.

The preparation of cotton for spinning was very burdensome, as it had to be washed and picked clean of seeds. To spin and dye a single ball of yarn can take 14 hours.

Ethical Fashion Guatemala Copyright Protection Services. Protecting Artisan Designs.

Ethical Fashion Brand based in Panajachel

Ethical Fashion Guatemala DHL Services
Ethical Fashion Guatemala holds a Licensed contract with DHL Express Services, Authorized in Guatemala to provide services for our client in any of the 220 countries DHL Services.
Our DHL Express Services include Exporting from any country. to any Country, including China
Importing from any Country to any Country, including China.

This service is provided for FREE, only for Artisans.

According to United States Copyright Law, and quoting from the website, your art is considered copyright protected from “the moment it is created and fixed in a tangible form”.

A tangible form is a completed work of Art.

Guatemala is renowned for its vibrant and intricate textile traditions, particularly the art of weaving. Many indigenous communities in Guatemala have formed textile co-operatives to preserve their cultural heritage, support traditional weaving techniques, and improve their socio-economic conditions. These co-operatives play a significant role in sustaining the centuries-old craft of Mayan weaving and providing fair opportunities for artisans. Here are some examples of textile co-operatives in Guatemala:

  1. Asociación Maya de Desarrollo (AMDE): AMDE is a Guatemalan cooperative that works with indigenous artisans, particularly women, to promote traditional weaving techniques and create high-quality textiles. The cooperative empowers artisans by providing them with training, access to markets, and fair wages for their work.
  2. Wakami: Wakami is a social enterprise that collaborates with various co-operatives and artisan groups in Guatemala. They focus on creating sustainable job opportunities for rural communities, especially women, by producing and selling handmade accessories and textiles.
  3. Cojolya: Cojolya is a cooperative based in Santiago Atitlan, Guatemala, dedicated to preserving the art of backstrap weaving. They create exquisite textiles and clothing using traditional Mayan techniques and natural dyes.
  4. Trama Textiles: Trama Textiles is a cooperative composed of more than 400 weavers from various Mayan communities across Guatemala. They work collectively to produce intricate textiles, and the co-operative’s sales are returned to the members to support their families and communities.
  5. Aj’kem’a Loy’a: Aj’kem’a Loy’a is a co-operative based in San Lucas Tolimán that focuses on empowering indigenous women through weaving and embroidery. They offer skill development programs and support women’s social and economic independence.
  6. Sotz’il: Sotz’il is a fair trade cooperative based in San Juan La Laguna that specializes in weaving using natural dyes and organic cotton. They aim to support sustainable livelihoods for their members and promote environmental conservation.

When purchasing textiles or clothing from Guatemalan co-operatives, you not only acquire a unique and beautiful piece of craftsmanship but also contribute to the preservation of ancient traditions and the economic well-being of local communities. These co-operatives are dedicated to promoting fair trade practices and creating a positive impact on the lives of artisans and their families.

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