Guatemala is a Country in Central America. Guatemala is a constitutional democratic republic whereby the President of Guatemala is both head of state and head of government, and of a multi-party system.




Fuego Volcano Erupts, Killing At Least 62

Fuego Volcano Erupts, Killing At Least 62 Thousands Homeless.

Fuego Volcano Erupts, Killing At Least 62. The second eruption of the year that the Fuego volcano generated on June 3, produced ash columns of up to 10 thousand meters above sea level, descent of constant pyroclastic flows
Lake Atitlan Guatemala Weather

Lake Atitlan Guatemala Weather Forecast

Lake Atitlan Guatemala Weather Forecast for today is clouds and sun with a high temperature of 72 degrees a low of 57 degrees for Panajachel. Guatemala is currently is in what is called the beginning of rainy reason. Most travelers this may be a deterrent for coming to Guatemala? #seeyouinguatemala
Leather Store San Juan La Laguna Lake Atitlan

Leather Store San Juan La Laguna Lake Atitlan

Leather Store San Juan La Laguna Lake Atitlan. La Cueva Leather Store, Nicolas has been custom designing, from the highest quality leather, a wide variety of leather handbags, tote bags. Nicolas Pop is the owner of La Cueva Leather. He is a self-taught leather craftsman who was born and raised in San Juan La Laguna.
Supermercado La Torre

Supermercado La Torre opens in Panajachel.

Supermercado La Torre grew from humble beginnings in 1950, Mr. Ernesto Ruiz Sáenz de Tejada bought a milk business, called Cremeria París. Supermercado La Torre opened in Panajachel a few weeks ago with packed customers standing in line waiting to enter, compare prices with Despensa, Chalo’s and Sandra’s
Semana Santa in Antigua

Fond Memories of Semana Santa in Antigua

Fond Memories of Semana Santa in Antigua. My home in Antigua was finally finished and ready for that years tourist season. While my life remained unsettled in many ways this house brought comfort, having wondered since my wife's death this was a time of being home for once. It had been a very long time. Anna had moved on, while we remained in contact, I did not feel alone.
Burning of San Pedro Volcano

The Burning of San Pedro Volcano

The Burning of San Pedro Volcano can bee seen for miles around Lake Atitlan. Climbing San Pedro Volcano is a very popular activity with Tourists. The fires may have perhaps hampered this activity. At least the views across Lake Atitlan have been marred by the smoke.
Guatemala Family Vacation

Guatemala Family Vacation Woodstock New York

Guatemala Family Vacation | Woodstock New York Our love affair with Guatemala first began 30 years ago when we traveled to Guatemala as backpacking tourists. We fell in love with the people, the landscapes, the markets, the colors, the weaving, and we ended up purchasing a vacation home in the village of Santa Catarina Palopo.
San Pedro La Laguna Authentic Tour Company
Panajachel is running out of water?

Panajachel Running out of water?

Panajachel is running out of water? Over the last two months more and more residential areas of Panajachel have no water. Or only have water supply part of the day and then it appears the water supply to homes is turn off. The result for many…
Lake Atitlan Churches

Guatemala Mayan Population 39.8% are Indigenous 23 Mayan groups

Guatemala Mayan Population approximately 39.8% of the population is Indigenous and consist of 23 Maya groups and one non-Mayan group. These are divided as follows: (K'iche 9.1%, 8.4% Kaqchikel, Mam 7.9%, 6.3% Q'eqchi', other Mayan peoples 8.6%, 0.2% indigenous non-Mayan). They live all over the country, especially in the highlands.