Of the Lake Atitlan Villages, there are 5 that are the Tourist Hubs for Lake Atitlan.  Lake Atitlan is surrounded by 11 villages, Maya culture is still prevalent and traditional dress is worn.

lake atitlan villages

Lake Atitlan Boat Tours

The Maya people of Lake the are Tz’utujil and Kakchiquel.  The Kakchiquel initially allied themselves with the invaders to defeat their historic enemies the Tz’utujil and Quiché Maya

Panajachel is the Gateway into Lake Atitlan. There are three main areas of the town with the central part, Barrio Norte to the north and over the San Francisco River, Jucanya.

San San Juan for Art and Natural Mayan Textile Weaving. San Pedro for Volcano Hiking. Santiago Atitlan for History of the Guatemala Civil War. Santa Catarina Palopo is a cultural village with amazing Artistic Painting of the Towns Square and Buildings.

Santiago Atitlan is the best known of the lakeside villages and is noted for its worship of Maximón

I See Hundreds of Happy FacesLake Atitlan Tours
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Guatemala Casa Palopo Dining Experience

Guatemala Casa Palopo Dining Experience was the worse food I have ever had. For those not familiar with Casa Palopo a short introduction.
My Lake Atitlan Hiking Experience
Ethical Fashion Protecting Artisans Copyrights
Villages of Lake Atitlan Guatemala
Guatemala Hiking Trail LocationsGrow Your Own Cure

Panajachel Lake Atitlan Gateway To The Villages

Panajachel Lake Atitlan is the Gateway to Lake Atitlan Villages is located less than 90 miles from Guatemala City. Arrive in Panajachel
San Juan Lake Atitlan Guatemala

San Juan Lake Atitlan Guatemala

San Juan Lake Atitlan Guatemala is located on the southern shore of Lake Atitlan. The weaving in San Juan La Laguna is different.
Guatemala Coffee Beans
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Where Do Guatemala Coffee Beans Come From?

Where Do Guatemala Coffee Beans Come From? Coffee is a brewed drink prepared from roasted coffee beans, the seeds of berries from certain Coffea species. Coffee is darkly colored, bitter, slightly acidic and has a stimulating effect in humans, primarily due to its caffeine content. It is one of the most popular drinks in the world, and it can be prepared and presented in a variety of ways (e.g., espresso, French press, caffè latte).
Guatemala Solo Female Travelers

Solo Female Travelers in Guatemala

Solo Female Travelers in Guatemala. Traveling alone as a female in Guatemala you will find respect and safe passage no matter where you find yourself in Guatemala. If you plan to be out late at night always, think about the fact you are in a new place and caution advised as if you were in any big city.
Lake Atitlan Volcano Activity
Lake Atitlan Santa Catarina Palopo

Lake Atitlan Santa Catarina Palopo

Lake Atitlan Santa Catarina Palopo. We know that living in a small indigenous village isn’t for everyone. Lake Atitlan Santa Catarina Palopo. Lake Atitlan Santa Catarina Palopo - Lake Atitlan Tours and Travel Services